CompuPic (CPIC) Reverse Chronological Revision History This change list is maintained in the following on-line areas: CompuServe: Photodex forum (GO PHOTODEX, Lib 3, CPICREV.TXT) America Online: Keyword Photodex (CPICREV.TXT) WWW: FTP: 1.50 build 157 - 11/07/96 * First public release of CompuPic32, the fastest and easiest viewer in the world! * Added preference option allowing viewer exit with left mouse click to be specified separately for full screen and windowed viewing modes. * Added code to tightly control database size while in use. * Added adjustment preventing daylight savings time change from making CPIC think all files had changed. * Added status bar including number of files and selections. * Enhanced quality of JPEG encoder to match Photoshop. * Optimized JPEG encoder to produce very small JPEG files. * Added complete keyboard shortcuts to viewer menus. * Added support for proportional scrollbars. * Fixed bug saving/loading screen saver defaults. * Fixed bug which could crash the picture index function when first selected. * Fixed bug which could corrupt thumbnails in offline volumes. * Fixed install bug with paths containing long path names. * Fixed bug in mono BMP/RLE reader which could cause memory corruption. * Fixed bug in database exit code which could cause corrupted data files and may be responsible for subsequent crashes. * Fixed bug in JPEG decoder which could corrupt memory when decoding certain truncated JPEG files. 1.40 build 146 - 09/26/96 * SPEED! CPIC is now the fastest image viewer in the world. JPEG code has been completely rewritten. CPIC now reads nearly all JPEG files, and does so faster than any other Windows viewer. * Added uninstall for all platforms. * Thumbnails are now moved/copied with files. * Added complete support for Progressive JPEG (PJPEG). * Added menu option to stop WAV & MIDI background playback. * Added slideshow exit option when both left and right mouse buttons are down when prev/next mouse control is enabled. * Added option to autoplay matching WAV and MIDI files. * Added 'Save', 'Delete', 'Rename' & 'Revert' viewer options. * Added reverse sort order to file list right mouse menu. * Added option for black, white and gray backgrounds for picture indexes. * Added ability to use PgUp/PgDn after deleting a file. * Added 'Cancel All' buttons to all copy & move dialogs. * Left clicking on windowed viewing image no longer closes image window. * Save As dialog in viewer now preserves default write format regardless of the file name. * Slideshow now starts at the file list caret. * Optimized database record allocation. * Fixed bug in TGA decoder with RLE decompression. * Fixed crash bug which could also corrupt CPIC's DEF.PHD file. It is not clear how many DEF.PHD problems this bug caused, but it could be the vast majority of them. * Virtualized all remaining menus. * Changed slideshow pause so it continues until cancelled using the Pause, Space or Enter keys. * Added right mouse button menus to path list and viewer. * Added "memory watchdog" which should prevent memory crash bugs caused by other programs. * Fixed bug with hidden file updating in file list. * Fixed crash bug with DOS 7.0 and Windows 3.1. * Enhanced thumbnail compression. * Changed MCI support to force use of short filenames for added MCI driver compatibility. * Changed PCX support -- If you can't view PCX files, select the PCX files and choose 'Remove Thumbnails' to trigger CPIC's new PCX detection. This does not affect any other format in CPIC. 1.32 build 134 - 06/26/96 * Enhanced file list right mouse button menu * Added option to prevent video driver bugs from incorrectly displaying selection area in viewer. See advanced image viewer options dialog. * Added ability to set volume label. * Added option to hide icon when window minimized. * Removed PCDLIB.DLL from standard CPIC distribution. Copies of PCDLIB.DLL file are available at Photodex sites above. * Added support for BMP files with null height. * Changed default file list mode to large thumbnails. * Fixed problem removing offline volume paths. * Fixed problem starting minimized. * Fixed rare database corruption related to renaming files. * Fixed TGA detection bug. * Fixed lower case rename bug. * Fixed startup association to newly inserted offline files. 1.31 build 130 - 05/06/96 * Added white background to WMF thumbnails. * Enhanced memory allocation maintenance. * Greatly reduced PictureDex printout memory requirements. * Changed GIF encoder to write single palette. * Enhanced smoothness of first slideshow image. * Fixed rare GPF bug caused by database optimizer. * Fixed rare GPF bug in GIF decoder. * Fixed bug in automatic WMF size history. * Fixed bug removing paths with long filenames. * Fixed minor dialog bug removing offline volumes. 1.30 build 126 - 04/22/96 * Added TWAIN digital camera and scanner support. * Added support for changing copy/move state while dragging. * Added preemptive database corruption prevention. * Added low memory warning for screen capture. * Added right mouse click file options menu. * Optimized PictureDex startup time for large directories. * Fixed whitepoint bug in mono conversion. * Fixed severe crash bug which happened when files/paths were removed from CPIC's database. This bug has caused more crashes than all others combined to date. If you've had any crash problems, this most likely fixes it. * Fixed bug which would delete files copied onto themselves. * Fixed overflow problems which could corrupt DEF.PHD file. * Fixed PCX alignment bug with 4-bit planar images. * Fixed GPF bug upon exiting slide/maxishow. * Fixed scaling bug in PictureDexes. * Fixed very rare division by 0 crash creating icons. * Fixed rare crash with pageup/down keys while viewing. * Fixed problem resolving long path/file names. 1.20 build 117 - 03/23/96 * Added WMF support. * Added slideshow and maxishow screen savers. * Added periodic wallpaper changer. * Improved autocrop feature. * Optimized virtual bitmap management. * Optimized outline text generation in PictureDexes. * Worked around Windows video driver bugs with 15, 16 and 24 bit displays which caused GPF's in KRNL386. * Worked around driver bugs which corrupt screen captures. * Added logic to read more valid pixels from truncated GIFs. * Added support for grayscale TGA files. * Fixed rare crash generating PictureDexes to files. * Fixed bug with 24-bit TIFF files with alpha channel. * Fixed TIFF crash with certain improperly encoded TIFFs. * Fixed paths removal error dialog crash. * Fixed PhotoCD reader when always pre-reading images. * Fixed mono rotation byte alignment problem. * Fixed rare trashed image edge with +90 rotation. * Fixed bug resolving files which have long path/file names between 9 and 12 chars. * Fixed bug encoding 24 bit TGA RLE files. * Fixed rare problem automatically converting 16 color BMPs. * Fixed trivial ordering bugs in random slideshow ordering. * Fixed bug renaming batches of files. * Fixed PictureDex bug with more than 21,148 images per page. 1.12 build 105 - 02/16/96 * Added Paste function to CPIC (see Edit menu.) * Optimized redraw for images larger than available RAM pool. * Optimized bitmap file management. * Added Memory menu selection to Options menu. * Added low-memory situation logic to manage RAM caches. * Added numeric keypad number support to viewer. * No longer minimizes when used to view images from cmd line. * Changed memory allocation defaults to improve performance on smaller systems. * Changed cursor handling for instant zoom. * Altered GIF detection to recognize Adobe's incorrect GIF files which have impossible transparency values. * Slideshow now moves caret as files are displayed. * Added option to enable mouse buttons as slideshow controls. * Fixed bug involving files in paths which have long filenames in the path. * Fixed memory allocation problems in low memory conditions. * Fixed bug which would prevent warning windows to appear when saving files. * Fixed rare crash bug involving thumbnail creation. * Fixed minor scaling bug in maxishow. * Fixed bitmap RAM cache problem which could make certain images appear corrupted on some machines intermittently. * Fixed minor bug with grayscale JPEG display in 256 colors. * Fixed minor radio button bug in format dialogs. * Fixed rename so it gives error when new name already exists. * Fixed crash in removal of files while at end of file list. * Fixed successive file association bug. * Fixed date sorting. 1.11 build 96 - 01/25/96 * Changed toolbar to add the "Photodex" button and to group functions a bit differently. * Added random slideshow/maxishow image ordering. * Added support for various improperly written TIFF files. * Added miscellaneous option allowing user to disable the eye from moving in the View toolbar button. * CPIC now saves window state in preferences, separated from PHD database. * CPIC now restores the default fonts used in picture indexes. * CPIC now warns about TrueType and Arial font dependencies. * CPIC now deletes any vestigal bitmap cache files (bit*.tmp) left from previous crash at startup. * Worked around printer driver bug(s) which printed picture index images trasparent, producing shadows which appear to be over the images. * New Miscellaneous options control startup screen and Team CPIC debugging options. * Now prints TrueType fonts as graphics for picture indexes. * Changed default periodic check for floppy removal to off. * Added option to tell CPIC to retry floppy several times before failing (see Miscellaneous options.) * Default VBIT width reduced to 1024 to avoid video driver bugs. * Fixed bug which could cause CPIC to "stall" while trying to display images after heavy use for a long time. * Fixed file display problem when multiple paths selected. * Fixed several problems with file associations. * Fixed PCX conversion from 24-bit to 256 colors. * Fixed crash in picture indexes if no printer installed. * Fixed crash bug involving sorting by extensions. * Fixed spacing bug with italic text in picture indexes. * Fixed bug preventing database compaction from freeing reclaimed space. * Fixed bug which stopped hue control from cycling spectrum. * Fixed bug which killed trial period when system clock is initially set to years greater than 2070 (usually 2096.) * Fixed bug in rotation which could scramble subsequent cropped images. * Fixed solarization bug with slideshow and maxishow. 1.10 build 86 - 12/31/95 * Fixed bug which caused incomplete picture index creation when saving to image files. 1.10 build 85 - 12/31/95 * Picture Indexes (catalogs) added. CPIC is now the best image index generation system you can get. * Windows '95 long filenames! (Windows '95 & compatible OS's.) * Much Quicker Viewing! Optimized view trigger delays and palette handling in 32K, 64K and 16.7M (24-bit) modes. * Much Quicker Thumbnails! Optimized thumbnail generation. Large batches of small image thumbnails are much faster. * Much Quicker Load Time! Typically less than 1.5 seconds. * Added filename display options to slideshows and viewing. Use single quote key ['] to toggle. Also try Shift, Ctrl and Alt keys. * Added UUDecoding! Select the first file, and decode! (You must download UUDECODE.EXE separately.) * Added option to hide opening screen immediately at startup. (See Confirmation Options.) * Startup window now closes without being clicked on after a nominal delay. * Much quicker database compaction (3x-4x speed.) * Added support for some rare JPEG file formats. * Added Pause key functionality to slideshows. * Improved 32K and 64K color support in Maxishow & Slideshow. * Optimized speed of 24->8 bit dithering and bitmap functions. * Added support for rare 32K color BMP format. * Added option to hide hidden and system files. * Added ability to rename hidden files. * Improved options interface for standard/advanced options. * Question mark key now triggers help in main display. * Changed printout code to incorporate newer API support. * Shift+Arrow keys now moves 1/2 screen at a time. * Improved international extended character set support. * File system no longer triggers file change if only the long filename has changed (for reverse compatibility.) * Fixed bug which could crash CPIC upon selecting the 'Ok' button just after compacting a very large database. * Fixed problem with red 'X' appearing in correct JPEG thumbnails. * Fixed problem with some 32K and 64K color video drivers. * Fixed GIF decoder bug with very short interlaced files. * Fixed options dialogs to allow numeric settings properly. * All configuration options stored separately from DEF.PHD. * Print setup now properly sets system default for printing. * Fixed problem which slowly depleted GDI resources. * Fixed sizing problem when closing minimized CPIC. * Fixed bug causing corruption when CPIC is left open during Windows shut-down. * Fixed bug in 16-bit "Creating Thumbnails" status bar. * Fixed several bugs in 16-bit file display (occurred only if tens of thousands of files in file list simultaneously.) * Hardened CPIC database against low memory configurations. * Fixed bug causing GPF just after PCD original images were written to other formats. * Fixed bug which could crash while using viewer PgUp/PgDn on systems with hi-color and true-color video displays. * Fixed display bugs involving image adjustments with hi-color and true color displays. * Fixed JPEG encoding bug which occurred only while thumbnails of other JPEG files were being created. * Fixed bug in dialog sizing code which caused windows to appear too wide on 120 dpi video displays. * Fixed bug which made it possible to view files in an empty file list. * Fixed bug causing GPF when an image larger than the screen was viewed with options set to scale up by even multiples only. * Fixed bug in GIF decoder involving application extensions. * Worked around Microsoft's path delimiter bug (Win NT 3.51). * Thumbnail generation now halts if less than 1MB of hard disk space is free, preventing Windows software from crashing. * Fixed bug decoding TIFF FAX (Group 3) images. * Changed File Listing Mode to Alt+N from Alt+F to avoid key- conflict with the File menu. * Changed Listing menu hot-key to Alt+L to avoid key overlap. * The View button "Photodex Eye" now watches what you do. :^) * Fixed multitasking crash bug involving options dialogs. * Fixed several bugs related to copying & moving files. * Fixed bug in converting grayscale JPEG files to 8-bit files. 1.02 build 62 - 10/25/95 * Quicker viewing! Reduced view trigger delay significantly. * Copying/moving files now checks for duplication and allows selective renaming, skipping and overwriting of files, on-the-fly! * Path list (at left) can now be collapsed completely. * Added auto-create option for large thumbnails in File List Options window. This is *GREAT* for downloading! * Fixed problems with menu keyboard shortcuts. * Copying, moving and deleteing files now have appropriate errors when actions are not completed properly. * Detects buggy Packard Bell (and other) CD-ROM device drivers and works around 'phantom' volume label and file entry problems. * Wait cursor is now set immediately when object is presented so you can tell an image 'view' has been triggered. * Database optimization now pre-writes header to avoid possible corruption from fatal crashes leaving the database unflushed. * Update of file display is now performed immediately at startup. * Update of source path now reflects absence of files moved immediately, rather than as a batch. * Fixed problem which caused CPIC to hoard memory. * Starts up at the previous run's vertical path list position. * Path list now shows expanded paths as open folders. * Bug in rotation of large images fixed. * Image rotation highly optimized. * Fixed bug which caused intermittent and even consistent crashes at exit of CPIC. * Fixed image cache bug related to very large tiled images. * Added support for some rare JPEG file formats. * Fixed crash bug in JPEG decoder involving truncated files. * Moving backward in slideshow no longer skips images. * Other applications' windows no longer flash in front when CPIC dialog windows are closed. * Added item to Utility menu for compacting the CPIC database. * Added Advanced File List Option to automatically compact database during idle time. * Fixed bug with path list starting bolded. 1.01 build 61 - 10/11/95 * Fixed problems where CPIC could randomly crash with General Protection Faults. If you have had these problems with CPIC, upgrade to this version. * Bug related to extreme view magnification fixed. * Added status bar for file copy and move operations. * CPIC will now update the file list quickly as files are copied, moved or deleted. 1.01 build 60 - 9/18/95 * First Release.