COMPUPIC PURCHASE ORDER / REGISTRATION FORM I would like a copy of CompuPic! I understand that I will receive my own personalized password with which to register the CompuPic(CPIC) software, and that by using CPIC agree to all terms of the CPIC licensing agreement. I also understand that CPIC is protected by Federal Copyright Laws and International Treaty Provisions, and will not disclose my password to anyone. If I operate a BBS, I understand that the CPIC password is not in the public domain, and cannot be made available for download for users of my or any other BBS. I understand that my correct phone number is required for registration and will be kept strictly confidential. Optional items marked with asterisk (*). YOUR NAME:_________________________________________________________ (PLEASE PRINT) First Name, Initial, Last name *Company:_____________________________ *Work: (______) ______-________ Addr:_________________________________ Home: (______) ______-________ _________________________________ _________________________________ City:_____________________________ State/Prov:_________ Zip:__________ How did you first discover CPIC?______________________________________ ------------------------------------------QTY---PRICE----TOTAL--- CompuPic Registration(s) ___ $39.95 $_________ __VISA __MasterCard __CHECK ENCL. (8.25% CA Sales Tax)$_________ -CA Residents Only __AMEX __Discover TOTAL$_________ Credit Card Number: ________/________/________/________ Exp:____/____ Sign:X____________________________________ SEND ME THE COMPUPIC REGISTRATION PASSWORD VIA: ___ E-Mail (CompuServe, AOL, or Internet)..TO:________________________ ___ FAX.......FAX NUMBER (incl area code) ____________________________ ___ US Mail (to above address) ORDERS VIA MAIL CREDIT CARD ORDERS VIA FAX Enclose check and mail to: Fill out completely and FAX to: Photodex Corporation (512) 452-6825 - FAX 1106 Clayton Lane #200W Austin, TX 78723 (512) 406-3020 - Voice