Disclaimer: This collection is and should remain for non profict use only. It may not be used in commerical sceneries. It may not be included into a CD-ROM or diskette collection without my written permission. It may not be uploaded to and distributed by Compuserve's FSFORUM. SIMGAMES is OK but i'd like to hear a few words from you, first. It may be uploaded to and distributed by Bulletin Boards and Networks (such as FsFAN-Net), provided no charge is being asked for its download. Alessandro Antonini - InterNet: a.antonini@leonet.it Fido: 2:332/617.43 FsFAN: 81:700/2.18 Acknowledgement: Thanks to Pascal Meziat (PVF, author of Airport) for giving permission to convert objects from Airport's collection. Hope we'll see an Airport version for Scenery Maker soon. Thanks to Maurizio Gavioli of Simula for providing a nice scenery compiler i can entertain with. Thanks to Umberto 'Scenery Italy' Colapicchioni of Simula, which passed me a few trivial tips. Hi, here are a few objects for use with Gavioli's Scenery Maker and it's the 2nd release of this archive. Many more objects have been added or converted and many bugs have been fixed into the already existing ones. Some i designed on my own, some have been converted from Airport ones, with permission. IMPORTANT: to use these objects you also need Airport Textures (*.OAV) found in the Airport package. Airport is a front-end for designing airports and surroundings to be found on ftp.iup.edu or FsFAN-Net. Please warn me should you encounter problems or errors. They use common parameters to be placed, and they are few and easy to understand. Ex. ;? " Scale "=SML_Scale This will set up objects scale ;? " Heading [HDG] "=SML_Heading This will set up objects heading ;? " Altitude "=SML_Alt This will set up objects altitude. It should be the same than your scenery. In meters ;? " Required scenery density to show (1-4) "=SML_Comp This will set up minimum scenery density in order for one object to show on. It ranges from 1 to 4 and this goes as: 1 - objects show on when Sparse 2 - objects show on when Normal 3 - objects show on when Dense 4 - objects show on when Very Dense ;? " Is season change required (0-1) "=SML_Change This indicates whether bitmap must change with season (not sure they will do, though). If 0 it doesn't change. This applies to trees. ;? " Texture Smoothing (0-1)"=SML_Smooth This indicates whether a textured object should be smoothed as well. 1 - smoothing on, 0 - smoothing disabled. Updates to this collection will be released as soon as new objects are being created or converted and as time permits. Hope you like this little job of mine and if you are really fond of it, please send me an Email message. Converting Scasm objects 2 SM is not this easy, it's really a tremendous effort. This job should fill anyway your Scenery Maker / Schiratti Commander library, which are excellent pieces of software but which oddly lack custom objects. It should also provide a good way to learn how to code objects for SC/SM by digging into them. Good, final advice: PLEASE DISTRIBUTE MACROS YOU CREATE. If you do it for free, then it's fair when other FS enthusiasts may enjoy them, too.