Install instructions for Ringobin 1.0 (!) First of all, congratulate yourself on the acquisition of such wonderful and fulfilling product. When that's over with, go to Microsoft's website at and download the latest version of Tweak UI, a fantabulous "powertoy" for Win95. This little utility allows you to change the Recycle Bin's name quickly and safely, without messing with the Windows Registry. Additional features are too many to list here, and are irrelevant to our little exercise for the moment. Just get it; you'll kiss yourself for having done so. Also, GET THE PLUS PACK. I've been over this before. Otherwise, you'll have to go into the registry to change the icons, and I don't want to be responsible for screwing up your system. If you can't drop $45 right now, try Microsoft's font smoother, available in the software section of their website (start at It's free, and lets you change the icons for the Recycle Bin and Inbox without all those other annoying fun features found in the Plus Pack. Next, move these icons to wherever it is you keep your icons...or, if you REALLY want to make me beam with pride, create a new folder for them all by their lonesome. Open up Tweak UI via your Control Panel (assuming here you've installed it...) and move to the "Desktop" tab. Right-clicking on the text "Recycle Bin" will allow you to select the "rename" option, at which time you can name it Ringo Bin, or whatever your little heart desires. Lastly, select the "display" option in Control Panel, and move to the "Plus" tab (again, I'm assuming you've successfully installed the Plus Pack or something which does the same thing). Select yer favorite icons for both the "full" and "empty" versions of the bin. To add the .wav file to all this nonsense, select the "sounds" option (again in control panel) and select ringo.wav as your sound for Empty Recycle Bin. If you've done all this correctly, emptying the bin will prompt the man himself to mutter "I'm Ringo, and I play the drums." Smashing. I sincerely hope that all of this hasn't been too taxing...there are certainly simpler ways to accomplish all of this, but simplicity isn't always the way to prosperity, hmmm? Suck on that for a while, and I'll be back with more useless crap shortly. Thanks for playing. Derek Tennenhouse