MEASURES Version 1.00 by Ralph W. Reid 2875 Morseman Spc. 155 Chico, CA 95973 If you appreciate this software, please send me $5.00 to register the package. Otherwise, do not continue to use this software or any of the files included in this package. Do not send cash. Please send checks or money orders to Ralph W. Reid at the address listed on the opening software screen (also shown above). Your support is appreciated, and encourages me to release software upgrades. Comments and constructive criticisms are welcome. FILES INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGE: All of these files must be included with distributed copies of this version of this package. Distributed copies of this package may not include modified files (only the original files are acceptable). AREAS.TXT 2 dimensional conversion table BYTES.TXT computer bytes conversion table COOKING.TXT cooking measurements conversion table FILE_ID.DIZ brief package description LENGTHS.TXT linear measurements conversion table MASSES.TXT mass conversion table (useful for weights conversion) MEASURES.DOC program documentation MEASURES.EXE MEASURES program MEASURES.TXT main menu and file descriptions README.TXT you're looking at it TIMES.TXT time conversion table VELOCITY.TXT velocity conversion table VOLUMES.TXT 3 dimensional conversion table DISCLAIMER: Try this program at your own risk! Considerable effort has been put into writing this program to keep it from wildly rampaging through your computer, deleting and damaging everything reachable, but sometimes things go wrong anyway. The original author (Ralph W. Reid) may not be held responsible for any damages or losses, including but not limited to lost or damaged files, hardware failures, any type of physical disability or impairment which might be associated with computer operation, marital or other personal problems, or any other problems or situations which might be the result of operating this or any other computer software. Information produced by this or any other computer software is not guaranteed to be accurate. RUN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK!