This file lists the history of changes made on every release of dCG, since version 0.04a 28-Jul-1996. v0.07a 07-Oct-1996 ------------------------------------------------ - Corrected serious bug on SAVEITEM, WRITE and WRITELN intrinsic functions, that caused a GPF everytime the output data exceeds 4KB in size. - Corrected bug on script input processing, although non offensive, but caused a premature end of script or return, in very special rare cases. - Corrected yet another problem: the INSPECT statement argument must now be an object variable literal name instead of a lvalue expression, which was causing a GPF in the more general cases. - Corrected PRINT statement behaviour, that was sending data to current output file independently of the Options/Scripting settings. - Interpreter errors are now a bit more explanatory than just the intriguing 'Bad expression type' that was beeing delivered for most syntax errors. - New intrinsic function: DCGVERSION. - Right mouse button behaviour is now similar to the left one, however it invokes the context menu as expected, but only when the button is released as is generaly common. - The 'Goto Message' menu command caption has been replaced by a more intuitive one: 'Goto Source Line', IMHO. - Printing of tab characters is now properly handled. - Options dialog on-line help introduced, and tab selection is now saved. - Read-Only option introduced for the internal editor, when using an external editor. The status bar now shows the current editing file Read/Write or Read-Only state. - The Help window is now closed on program exit, if it's currently open. v0.06a 23-Sep-1996 ------------------------------------------------ - Implementation of the generator/interpreter engine as a software component, dCGAPI.DLL (dCGAPI32.DLL in the 32-bit version), completely independent from the user-interface front-end. - New intrinsic functions for basic text file I/O: OPEN, CLOSE, READ, READLN, EOF, WRITE and WRITELN. - Corrected problem on LOADITEM and SAVEITEM intrinsic functions which was truncating data when some involved character string item had an embedding '"' character. - The PRINT statement now accepts the comma separator too. - Indentation commands are now featured for the internal editor, with new Edit menu items and Toolbar buttons: Indent/Unindent (Ctrl+M/Ctrl+Shift+M). - New editor command for toggling script markers whithin text, with new Edit menu item and Toolbar button: Toggle Markers (Ctrl+T). - The INSPECT dialog has been enhanced, and now offers direct object extended editing which let's you add, alter and remove object members on the fly. - Context Help is now supported. Pressing Ctrl+F1 opens the online help directly on the topic for the highlighted text. - The generation progress window and the INSPECT dialog now have their screen positions saved. The generation progress window stays always visible along the interpretation process, but sees its Cancel button disabled when another script invoked dialog is shown. - The internal editor status bar line now shows current line, column, number of lines and file size of current document. - Context (via right mouse button) popup menu is now featured for both the internal editor and messages windows. - Messages window contents is now retained whithin same session and every message line now has a reference to the script line that produced it -- double-clicking on any message line jumps to the related script file line -- a feature that can help you in debugging (e.g. using the PRINT statement). v0.05a 15-Aug-1996 ------------------------------------------------ - Menu command accelerator keys finally introduced. - Extension drivers now have a setup procedure for specific configuration; the View|Options|Drivers dialog tab has a new "Setup" button that let the user invoke the drivers configuration dialog; for the default registered driver this only shows an simple About dialog box. - Corrections on the user code protection process, which has been internally reformulated. - The Find/Replace dialogs try to make the matching text selection always visible outside the dialog box (above or below). - Support for soft-tabs introduced for the internal editor. - New intrinsic functions: STRIP and PROPER. v0.04a 28-Jul-1996 ------------------------------------------------ - New intrinsic functions: ISINTEGER, ISSTRING, ISLIST, ISOBJECT, LOADITEM, SAVEITEM, MEMBERLIST, MIN, MAX, AVG, SUM, PREFIX, SUFFIX, RENAMEFILE, REMOVEFILE. - Intrinsic function FIND now searches for list items too; the former version was string search only. - New statement INSPECT, making possible to visually inspect an object item structure and navigate along its members. - Status line slightly modified, displaying also the current generation status. - Some bugs corrected for an implied RETURN statement, and for user defined function calls withing the argument list of another function. - On user defined dialogs the ComboBox control text is now properly handled on initialization, showing the value of the control's Text member and not the selected item of Items.