Garbage Can Registration For Windows This program (register.exe) allows you to register the Garbage Can program using Visa, Master Card, American Express, or First Virtual. Your order can then be sent by postal mail or Internet email. Once your payment is received, Kagi ( will process your order and they will notify us. Who should use register.exe Anyone registering Garbage Can by Denam Systems AND they want to use any of the following payment methods: 1) Visa, Master Card, American Express, or First Virtual 2) Checks written on any bank OUTSIDE of the U.S.A. If you are sending a U.S. check/money order or cash, you can send you payment directly to Denam Systems. Who should NOT use register.exe Anyone purchasing 20 or more Garbage Can programs. If you are planning on placing this size of order, contact Denam Systems ( to make arrangements. Discounts are available. California purchasers If you live in California AND are sending your payment directly to Denam Systems, NO sales tax is required. The tax requirements on the order form only applies IF you live in California AND the order is processed by Kagi. What is Garbage Can Ordinary DOS and Windows file deletes are NOT secure. The file is merely marked as deleted but the data in the file is still sitting on the disk. Any undelete program or disk scan program can access the data on the disk. It remains that way until another file happens to overwrite the disk area. Garbage Can will take care of the security problem that occurs with an ordinary file delete. We GUARANTEE the deleted file can NOT be recovered. Latest version of Garbage Can The latest version of Garbage Can is always available at: Contacting us You can contact us at any of the following locations: