Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gusmo G ismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gi smo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gusmo Gis mo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gusmo Gism o Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gusmo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gusmo G ismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gi smo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gusmo Gis HTML Color Support Application Copyright (C) 1995-96 Ken Kinoshita mo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gusmo Gism o Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gusmo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gusmo G ismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gismo Gi 1. Gismo Gismo is the unique color coordinating utility for those who uses editors to make html documents with various color RGB codes. You may copy the RGB codes which indicated in Gismo to the Clipboard and copy it into the appropriate form in your html documents. You may use your favorite text editors and/or html editors. The Gismo can be worked with any editors that can be corresondent with the clipboards. 2. Easy Installation. Unzip the GismoXXX.Zip to your optional directory and type `Gismo' from the directory which unzipped Gismo.Exe and document files are existed. It's also good idea to make the apppropriate `Gismo' program icon onto your Desktop. Drag the program to any places in your desktop and appoint your `Gismo.Exe` by full path in the program path of its Property Note. Name Gismo, i.e. in the Icon page of the Property Note. Double-Click the Icon and Gismo is ready for your colors!! @ The `Gismo' is developped with VX-REXX and required of VX-REXX runtime library `VROBJ.DLL'. You may obtain such library from Watcom VX-REXX Homepage, other BBS's, and/or OS/2 relational magazines. * Watcom VX-Rexx Technical Support Home Page > * Watcom VX-Rexx Library > files/vxrexx_maint.html 3. The Use of Gismo: The Gismo works as you feel. You may choose your target color from the `ColorList' or choose it from the one you make by the combination of moving up-down the `RGB Sliders`. Click the `Copy' button. Now you have the headed "#" with RGB codes such as "#000000"(Black) for instance, on your Clipboard. Then you can paste such clipboarded data to the place you want to, in your editing html documents. a. You may also choose to copy specific color by name other than RGB codes by checking the radio button of the `Name'. b. However, you may only have the data by RGB codes even the `Name' button is checked, when you choose the color made by the `RGB Sliders'. c. Also try checking the `Always Copy' and you will ALWAYS have the color data in your Clipboard without clicking the `Copy' button. Ready?! Make your cool pages and let me visit!! 4. Working Conditions: OS/2 Warp V3 OS/2 Warp V4 5. DISTRIBUTION: Please ask a written consent of the author before distributing this software in any manner. You may not modify The Wall in any way nor may you reverse assemble, reverse compile, or otherwise translate or reverse engineer its executable codes or datas. 6. LICENSE AGREEMENT: The Wall, its executables, wave files, and documentation, is the copyrighted property of Ken Kinoshita. It is licensed, not given, for your personal use. 7. WARRANTY: The Wall is provided AS IS. Use it at your own risk. There are no warranties, express or implied, of any sort. By use of this program, you agree to the terms and conditions as stated. 8. Reports: Email: Ken Kinoshita Opinions, ideas, or bug reports are encouraged. 9. `Gismo' Home Page All latest files and information are available on `Gismo' Home Page. * The Gismo Home Page > 10. Thanks to... Special thanks to... Japanese Readme : Tetsuya Suto English Readme : Tetsuya Suto 11. History Version 1.00 (xx.Jan.97) a. This is first version.