Welcome to Notpad 2, the dropin replacement for "Notepad", the standard text editor that is supplied with Windows 95 and NT. Please note that the current version will only work on Windows 95 and Windows NT 4 or later. It will not work on Windows NT 3.51 or earlier or Windows 3.1x. INSTALLATION As there is no install program at the moment, please use the following instructions to install Notpad. 1) If you haven't already got the MFC 4.2b DLL’s, then grab them from Microsoft's web site at http://www.microsoft.com/visualc/download/mfc42cab.htm 2) Unzip the contents of the distributed zip file to a temporary directory. 3) Copy the notpad and npload executables to your windows directory. The npload program is called internally by notpad when you use the preload DLL option. 4) Double click on the notpad.reg file. This will override all the standard registry associations for text files etc. so that notpad will be used instead of notepad. Note this step is optional if you want to continue to use Notepad and your standard text editor. I'm sure you won't want to do this once you've started to use Notpad. 5) Try double clicking on a text file. This should bring up notpad. It this works, then installation of notpad is completed. 6) To use the text to speech functionality of Notpad you will need to retrieve the landh.zip file from http://indigo.ie/~pjn/notpad.html. When you have retrieved this, unzip that zip file into a newly created directory called "LHSP" under your windows directory. You should then have the following directory structure: TTSMGR32.DLL TTSDCT32.DLL ENG_U232.DLL ENG_USA2.C22 ENG_UL32.DLL 6) Run the lhreg.exe application which is supplied in the notpad zip file. This will update the system registry which is required by the Text To Speech Engine. 7) The directory \LHSP must be added to the PATH in the AUTOEXEC.BAT (for Windows 95), or in the system environment for Windows NT. 8) Perform a reboot for the path changes to take effect and Notpad should now be able to speak to you. FUTURE ADDITIONS 1) Integrate with Explorer "Find Files". 2) Support DocObject OLE model to work inside IE 3/4. 3) Dial a telephone number. 4) Integrate file properties property sheet with Windows 4 shell. 5) launchable URL's inside text. 6) Include support for customisable headers and footers when printing. 7) Support prompting with file open dialog when started. 8) Support UNICODE text files. 9) Support proper drag - drop. Currently not fully functional. 10) Use my own help file instead of using notepad's. 11) Support for speech recognition and possibly dictation. 12) Support for MS-DOS, Unix and Mac text files. 13) Choice between large and small toolbars 14) Provide a proper install program. 15) Customizable toolbar. CONTACTING THE AUTHOR PJ Naughter Email: pjn@indigo.ie Web: http://indigo.ie/~pjn 19th November 1996