STARDOCK LOCO SDCREATE SCRIPT HELP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How do I get running and writing really quickly? A: Figure out your program before you start entering it into the editor. Get the logic down on paper, and you will spend less time trying to figure out where your GOTO should go to. <-and spend less time running the program and trying to figure out why it stops. Q: How do I enter in stuff fast! A: Do it the way I do it. The first thing I do is hit ALT A ten times or so in a row. Then I change them as I need to. If I need more, I repeat the process. This works because the default is TEXT, and you can fool the editor and give yourself all the blank lines you need. Sure beats going up to the menu for every line that you need.... Q: My GOTO is going to the wrong line! A: Actually, it goes to the line after the one you specified. If you say GOTO 4, it will go to line number 5. What it really is doing is placing itself ready after the line that you told it to go to. It won't do that line. Example: 0 GOTO 4 4 TEXT <--The GOTO will go here! 5 TEXT <--and start processing here. Q: How do I renumber the lines in the editor? A: I wrote this sucker overnight, and blew that off. However, you can fool it by editing line 0, making it the last line of your program, then when it is the last line, re-edit it to be 0. It will renumber everything. I figured this worked well enough, so I got some sleep that day... Q: I put a number into the ADD CR field, but all it gives the player is gobbledegook? What do I do? A: Take the commas out of the number. The number is formatted for you in the game version. I didn't add that to the script RUN IT!! version. Q: I keep having the "Not enough memory for Quest" error? What do I do? A: Try to make the script shorter if you can. Also, make sure that the SIZE command has a valid number in it. <-and make sure it is 1+the amount of lines in your game. (You must count the 0 line.) If you still get the error, you may have too many ANSI screens in a row. Check that out. Q: I get a "can't read file error", and I have the file open! Or I get a "can't read record error!" What do I do? A: Always re-open the file after you use the RUN IT!! You may see the file on the screen after a run, but it really isn't there. Open it again and you shouldn't have any problems. Q: My ANSI/AVATAR screens have commands in the middle of them! A: Well, you probably have animation in them. You can get it to work, with the animation, but you really have to fool the script editor. Try to add blank TEXT lines, or a CLRSCR with a WAIT after it. ****Also, you may want to edit out the last line of the ANSI and strip the Continue [y/n/=] out of it. Q: I want more commands. How can I get more commands? A: Write me some e-mail, and I may include them in the next version. Tell me what you are looking for: