This is a list of "OFFICIAL" Crime Quest distribution sites as of 02-22-97. (Fidonet Conference Name CRIME_QUEST) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location : Spartanburg, SC <------- BBS Distribution Site! Sysop Name: Ross Cassell BBS Name : The Dark Corner BBS BBS Phone : (864) 573-7069 BPS Rate : 33600 Mailer : FrontDoor Version # : 2.12+ FidoNet : 1:3652/1 FREQ : CQRPG (Latest Full Version) FREQ : CQFIX (Latest Game Update and Fix-Pak) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location : Spartanburg, SC <------- Authors Distribution Site! InterNet : Homepage : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Author's Support] If you have any problems or need immediate attention, you can contact the author of Crime Quest. Below is the information needed. Authors Name: Brian Leiter Crime Quest Support Address: 213 Burnley Court Spartanburg, SC 29303 Home Phone: (864) 599-0267