v5.05 Upgrade: ** See ORDER.DOC for information on upgrading to PA/2 PRO!! ** Enclosed you will find the upgrade to v5.05. You need to already have installed (and working) either the standard 16-bit version of PowerBBS v5 or the 32-bit release. Do NOT switch between the 16-bit or 32-bit version when upgrading with this file. v5.05 includes full support for PA/2 PRO Registered Users. If you are not a registered PA/2 PRO user, email 74774.3326@compuserve.com or RUSSELL FREY on the support BBS for information on purchasing PA/2 PRO. PA/2 PRO includes a slew of features to as direct node to node chatting, fast protocol support, chess, and MUCH MORE along with a custom version tailored to your system. You are not running a serious system without it!! We continue to strive to create the best possible product. Your continued feedback of problems to fix, and crazy ideas, continues to make us strive to create even more nifty features. We are currently in our think-tank for the next big releases of PowerBBS and want your feedback! Please email Russell Frey on the support BBS or 74774.3326@compuserve.com over the Internet with your ideas. And thanks! --- To upgrade: 16-bit upgrade: --------------- Unzip 16bit.ZIP Place PBBSF.DLL into your \windows\system directory Place CONFIG.EXE into your \powrbbs directory Place POWRBBS.EXE into your \powrbbs directory 32-bit upgrade -------------- Unzip 32bit.ZIP Place PBBSF32.DLL into your \windows\system directory Place DB4FW.DLL into your \windows\system directory Place HTMLPICS.EXE into your \powrbbs directory Place CONFIG.EXE into your \powrbbs directory Place POWRBBS.EXE into your \powrbbs directory Note: **NEW** Feature ---------------------- PowerBBS now has the ability to create a preview screen of all the graphics you have in a directory. For example, it can take a directory of graphics, and will make a screen with previews of the graphics. Each graphic will be displayed along with a next/prev pict that is a link to the next graphic on the screen. If you run a graphical BBS, this will allow your users to quickly down all the previews of graphics in a directory and view them. To create such a link screen: 1) You must have PowerHTML registered 2) You must have Preview Files already created for the graphics in your Preview Directory. 3) Once the above is done, it simply is a normal link that you can create from either a PowerGen screen or HTML screen. Just use a) the F command b) for the file, just put a junk path/filename to the directory of graphics and include JUNK.FLP and the filename. For example, lets say I want to create a link in order to show users all the graphics I have in one of my lists. The graphical files are stored in my E:\GRAPHICS\HOUSES directory. I would create the following link: Command F, File: E:\GRAPHICS\HOUSES\JUNK.FLP or F-E:\GRAPHICS\HOUSES\JUNK.FLP That is it. You do not have to create JUNK.FLP (you shouldn't!) 4) Test your link.