How to register Arachne

Jak si zaregistrovat Arachne

Only way to register Arachne WWW browser is buying REGISTRATION KEY. Please note, that the distribution version of Arachne software package is FREEWARE and you can use it for non-commercial purposes as long as you wish. It is because it contain's some third party free software. If you want to use Arachne core (program CORE.EXE) for commercial purposes, you have to contact author and register. Author takes no responsibility for the status of third party software in such cases.
There are generaly two categories of keys: keys enabling user definable homepage and keys with fixed homepage (of customer's choice). The copying of first category of keys (264 bytes long files) is NOT ALLOWED (with exception of the key for ten computers) and is considered ILLEGAL. The copying of the keys with fixed homepage (1056 bytes long files) is allowed.
The registration key is simple text files with encrypted data and can be distributed on floppy or by e-mail. Copy the text to file called ARACHNE.KEY and place it to the same directory as rest of Arachne. Text which will replace message "Unregistered" has to be choosen when ordering the key.
Status of this copy of ARACHNE is described in file README.TXT. Brief summary of README.TXT: Author is NOT RESPONSIBLE for anything Arachne may do with your system, and does NOT GUARANTEE anything - no future help, support, upgrades, etc.

How to order Arachne
  • Bank transfer:
    Ceska sporitelna
    Belohorska 110
    16900 Praha 6
    Czech Republic
    Please let me know about your payment by e-mail!
  • Send me money by mail (seems to be the easiest way ;-)
    Michael Polak
    Svojsikova 7
    16900 Praha 6
    Czech Republic
If you send me parameters of your Internet provider, I can create specific configuration files fitting your provider.

Don't forget to include text (up to 10 characters) which will replace message "Unregistered" on Arachne screen and your homepage (for distributable keys, up to 50 characters).

After paying the registration fee, you will recieve REGISTRATION KEY. It's text file, which can be distributed on floppy or by e-mail.

Don't forget to include your e-mail address!

Price list for registration of Arachne
Category USD Kc
Nonprofit organizations
Individual users 20 500
Small company
up to 10 computers
or each 10 computers
100 2500
unlimited number of computers
fixed home page
400 10000
Redistribution (*)
(as viewer on CD-ROM, etc)
fixed home page
400 10000
Military forces
Czech telecom
not available (**)
(*) "Redistribution" key contains fixed homepage (ie. file on CD-ROM, etc.) and can be copied without any restrictions.
(**) No exceptions.
Note: I will give registration key for free for anyone who will mirror Arachne.

Jedinym zpusobem jak si zaregistrovat Arachne je zakoupeni REGISTRACNIHO KLICE. Distribucni archiv Arachne je oznacen jako FREEWARE a pro nekomercni ucely ho muzete pouzivat po neomezenou dobu. Je to proto, ze zahrnuje volne siritelny software treti strany. Pokud ovsem chcete jadro Arachne (program CORE.EXE) pouzivat pro komercni ucely, musite kontaktovat autora a zakoupit si registracni klic. Autor ovsem v takovem nenese zodpovednost za status software treti strany zahrnuty v distribucnim baliku.
Existuji dve kategorie klicu: klice umoznujici uzivatelskou definici domaci stranky browseru a klice s pevnou domovskou strankou dle volby zakaznika. Kopirovani klicu prvni kategorie (soubor delky 264 bajtu) neni povoleno a je povazovane za ILEGALNI. Kopirovani klicu druhe kategorie (sobor delky 1056 bajtu) je povolene.
Registracni klic je obycejny textovy soubor se zasofrovanymi daty a muze byt zaslan na diskete nebo e-mailem. Okopirujte text do souboru nazvaneho ARACHNE.KEY a umistete ho do stejneho adresare jako zbytek Arachne. Text ktery nahradi zpravu "Unregistered" je nutne zvolit si pri objednani klice.
Status teho kopie Arachne je popsan v souboru README.TXT. Strucne shrnuti souboru README.TXT: autor NENESE ODPOVEDNOST za nic, co muze Arachne udelat s vasim pocitacem ani NEZARUCUJE zadnou podporu, dalsi verze, konzultace, apod.
Jak si objednat Arachne
  • Slozenkou
    Michael Polak
    Svojsikova 7
    16900 Praha 6
  • Bankovnim prevodem (vystavim fakturu, nebo lze poslat slozenkou)
  • Platbou v hotovosti
    Lze si se mnou sjednat schuzku:
    telefon 3517637 vecer do 22h
  • Na dobirku (cena+postovne)
    Telefonicky, e-mailem nebo dopisem si lze objednat zaslani diskety s registrovanou verzi Arachne.
Pokud zaslete parametry vaseho internetoveho providera, vytvorim vam "konfiguraci na miru".

Nezapomente uvest text, ktery nahradi zpravu "Unregistered" na obrazovce Arachne a v pripade klice urceneho ke kopirovani tez vasi homepage (az 50 znaku).

Po zaplaceni registracniho poplatku dostanete REGISTRACNI KLIC. To je textovy soubor, ktery lze zaslat bud na diskete, nebo e-mailem.

Nezapomente uvest vasi e-mailovou adresu!

Cenik registrace Arachne
Skupina USD Kc
Neziskove organizace
Zdravotnicka zarizeni
zdarma (free)
Individualni uzivatele 20 500
Firemni licence
do 10ti pocitacu
kazdych dalsich 10 pocitacu
100 2500
neomezene pocitacu
pevna domovska stranka
400 10000
(viewer na CD, apod.)
pevna domovska stranka
400 10000
Ozbrojene sily
SPT Telecom
zamita se (not available) (*)
(*) Odvolani neni mozne.
(Poznamka: za mirorovani Arachne na Internetu ci BBS dodam registracni klic zdarma).