CopyURL™ version 1.0 (February 26, 1997) Copyright © 1997, Moon Software. All Rights Reserved. Visit our homepage for other free- & shareware: WWW: e-mail: Idea for CopyURL came from Roy J. Meyers III. Visit his R.J. Computer Consulting homepage: and let him to make you some business solutions. If you read this text in Notepad, please switch on word wrapping more from the Edit menu. Contents ======== 1. What is CopyURL? 2. Installation 3. License Agreement and Warranty What is CopyURL? ================ CopyURL is little shell extension that helps you to copy different information from your Internet Shortcut files to clipboard. Then you can simply paste it from clipboard to your e-mails, HTML editor or other documents. It adds commands Copy URL, Copy Link and Copy Name to the context-menu of Internet Shortcut files. For example, if you have a shortcut named AudioNet that points to, you'll get the following results: Copy URL copies the URL the shortcut points to, like: Copy Link copies link so that you can paste it easily to your HTML editor: AudioNet Copy Name copies both name and URL, so it's simple to paste them to documents: AudioNet: Installation ============ To install CopyURL, first unzip CopyURL.exe and CopyURL.inf files to a temporary folder. Then right-click on CopyURL.inf file and choose Install from the popup menu. This will copy these 2 files to your Windows\System\ShellExt folder and adds required setting to the registry. If also adds entry for uninstalling it from Control Panel Add/Remove Programs applet. Now you can delete these 2 files from temporary folder. Test the installation by right-clicking on an Internet Shortcut file in your Favorites folder. License Agreement & Warranty ============================ This product is provided to you free of charge. Should you accept the terms of this agreement, Moon Software will grant you the personal and non-exclusive right to install and use the software. CopyURL or any other materials provided in this package may not be modified in any way, and should be distributed with all supplied files in its original archive format. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: CopyURL and all other materials distributed with this package are Copyright 1997 by Moon Software. No parts of CopyURL or other files provided in this package may be reproduced in part or in whole, except as provided in the License Agreement. You may not remove any copyright or other proprietary notice from the software. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the software. DISCLAIMER: This software is provided "AS IS". You agree that by accepting this licence, you are expressly acknowledging that the use of this software is AT YOUR OWN RISK. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Moon Software and you and supersedes any other communications relating to the software. Moon Software makes no warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this software and accompanying documentation. IN NO EVENT SHALL MOON SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PROGRAM, EVEN IF MOON SOFTWARE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. TRADEMARKS: Any product or brand names mentioned in this software and associated manuals and files are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.