Wizzard Software Corp. Info: Phone at 1-412-621-0902 715 Copeland St. Orders: Toll free 1-800-721-7701 Suite B FAX to 1-412-621-2625 Pittsburgh, PA 15232 Internet: wizzy@wizzardsoftware.com WWW http://www.wizzardsoftware.com This is a shareware copy of a Wizzard Software product. You may distribute it freely, use it until it tells you to send us money and then send us your money if you would like a copy of the product which will allow you to automate your file transfers. See the order\registration form included with this product (usually in the directory where you installed the software; order.txt). You may not reverse engineer, disassemble, or decompile this software. This software has been provided to you free of charge so that you may use it before you buy it. This software includes an extensive Help section. To access Help press F1 at any time within the software. There is also a printable manual.txt file which is considered an online manual. We hope this software is useful and helps you improve your communications. Enjoy. To setup: Unzip and double click on setup.exe. The rest is easy.