FTPMap 97 for Windows 95 Program description: FTPMap 97 makes it easy to transfer files to your FTP account. FTPMap 97 places itself as an icon on your desktop. Use Drag and drop to transfer files to the default FTP server as set in the setup. FTP Map will connect and tranfer files, directories and subdirectories instantly as your drop them. After the successful transfer FTP Map automatically disconnects from the FTP server and shuts down. Transfering your homepages couldn't be easier than with FTPMap 97. If you have a homepage of your own, or constantly need to update files, then FTPMap 97 is what you need. Installing FTPMap 97: If your FTPMap 97 distribution is still archived then 1) Unpack it using a zip archiver. 2) Run the executable SETUP.EXE and follow the on-screen directions. 3) Start FTPMap 97 by doubleclicking it's icon on your desktop. 4) Setup your ftp account information. Using FTPMap 97 with drag and drop: FTPMap 97 uses the last used profile name when transfering files. Simply drag and drop files and/or directories on the FTPMap 97 icon. FPTMap 97 will transfer directories and subdirectories if you set it to in the setup. Use any file manager such as the explorer to drag and drop the files of your choice to the FTPMap 97 icon. Using FTPMap 97 with command-line options: FTPMap 97 can also be used with command-line options. Specify the files and/or directories you wish to transfer on the command-line. Items should be separated with a space. For example: FTPMAP97.EXE C:\WINDOWS C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT The above example will, if include directories is enabled, transfer your C:\WINDOWS directory and, if include subdirectories is enabled, transfer all the subdirectories. FTPMap 97 will also transfer your C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT to the default (last used) FTP server. Legal stuff: FTPMap 97 is inexpensive shareware which must be registered if used for other than evaluation. Registering the software will remove all nag screens, remove the delay and make it's use legal. This software is provided "as is" and you, the user, assume all risks when using it. FTPMap 97 Shareware may be freely distributed in it's original package. Contact Information: Fastware PO BOX 1221 262 23 ENGELHOLM Sweden PHONE: +46-431-19970 FAX : +46-431-19970 Email: ftpmap@fastware.se Homepage: http://www.fastware.se/ftpmap/ If your FTPMap 97 Shareware archive was damaged in any way, please get it from: FTP Map 97, copyright 1997 Fastware