Hey!, having a problem keeping track of all your photos? Is your drive overflowing with pix, pix, and more pix? Would you like one graphic utility tool that does it all? Thought so! Then check out Imagepix, the Graphic Database Workshop! This utility imports your photos into a database where you can categorize them, catalog them, name them, cut them, copy them, paste them, rotate them, resize them, zoom in, zoom out, slideshow, and more! Never before has there been a graphic utility like this! Features: 1. Easy to use, high performance image management system. 2. Supports BMP, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIF, GIF, JPG image file formats. 3. Supports RLE, LZ77, CCIT Group 1D, 3, & 4, Huffman, LZW and JPEG compression types. 4. Organize, catagorize, label, sort, store and retrieve images with the integrated high speed database. Uses highly optimized algorithms to store images as efficiently as possible based on the best compression system for the given image format. 5. Load images to database from disk file, Window's clipboard or through seamless support for TWAIN compliant devices. 6. Scan, display, save, retrieve, print, zoom, rotate, flip, scale, crop, convert, gray scale, and dither images. 7. Supports all Window's resolutions and more than 16 million colors. 8. Export images from database to supported file formats and compression types. 9. Load and save an image to database, and delete the original file with a single mouse click with the "Auto Delete on DB Save" feature.