=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= MECHWAR2 - The Human's Strike Back... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Title : Mech War V2.0 Filename : mechwar2.zip Version : Numero Duo Date : What is this... a test? Author : Lando (Aka Conan) Email : lando@apollo.ruralnet.net.au Homepage : http://www.ruralnet.net.au/~huda/quakec.html Credits : Piramida - for letting me bug him with lotsa small buggy shit :) : Bubbah (Yakman) - i STILL have no idea why? : The dude who helped me get my modelling tools (i lost his name and address, but he knows who he is) : All my buds... For letting me kick your asses the way i do!!! : Scott Ramsay (sramsay@smart.net) for the wicked laser-sight mod : Rob Albin (albinatr@apci.net) for the chasecam mod (it rocks!) : Bill Turner (http://www.fwb.gulf.net/~shyft/) Maker of MULTIQC =-=-=-=-=-= Type of Mod =-=-=-=-=-= Quake C : yes yes yes Sound : yes yes lotsa sound MDL : yes yes chamo mdl's =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Format of QuakeC =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- unified diff : hell no context diff : hell no .qc files : Hell yea progs.dat : yes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- New in version 2.0 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ok, i've done a few things now, not that much, but some touch-up stuff. * Merged into 1.06 source, (Credits to ROB ALBIN, thanks man...) * Chasecam now works properly in human mode... IMPULSE 30 * The laser HUD is now automatic, and SHOULD disengage properly... * An eject function has now been implemented... IMPULSE 31 * Jump Jets (yes you heard right) have now been fitted to all mechs (by popular demand) just use player jump key to activate... * The MechBuster has now replaced the player's axe (it's slightly more useful against those mechs...) * Rockets/Lasers now fire correctly (you'll know what i mean, thanks to PIRIMIDA for help on this one...) * Mechs self destruct after ejecting or shutting down... * Some more sounds/mech gibs have been added... * Cool New mech texture made by Nathan Kennedy (nathan@freenet.tlh.fl.us) Thanks to Nathan for his cool art (and to everyone else who sent me great textures, sorry i couldn't chuck em all in there...) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Description of the Modification =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I figured the quake-c scene was really slowing down a bit, i mean there's no where near the amount of patches being churned out now as there were when all this shit began, trust me, i've noticed. So i took it upon myself to liven things up a bit, so i got myself some tools and here's what i ended up with I really HATE quad damage and the invulnerability powerups, as do many people, i have noticed. And everyone loves mech's, big kick ass metal tanks with big big kick ass weapons, so i came up with mechwar. If you come across quakepower or the punceagram of protection you get transformed into a mech and go kick some ass. The mech has 4 armaments: the LB-X Autocannon, a light PPC plasma cannon, twin SRM-2 rocket launchers, and the almighty ER Pulse Laser (steer clear of this one) The aim of the patch is to provide some 'Mech vs Human' warfare, and my oh my is it fun watching pissy little humans running for their lives, trying to get away before you gib them shitless with your ER Pulse... he he trust me :) Extras include the chase cam mod by Rob Albin which i used to do lots of testing, a very awesome mod. Instant mech (just add gibs), gives you a mech so you can smash those monsters to hell and back, and the Laser Guided HUD, based directly from the laser sight mod by Scott Ramsay (all credit goes to him, I just added a new mdl and sound). I love using the HUD in single player mode, it's mean... =-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE MECHBUSTER =-=-=-=-=-=-=- The MechBuster was developed by the Humans in order to even things up a bit. It is the most powerful weapon under any human's control. Replacing the axe, the Mechbuster is a counter-strike attack weapon useful in taking out mechs. It is powered by an uncontrolled fusion based detonation, which takes 30 cells to achieve. A direct hit with a Mechbuster can take up to 380 health off a mech, so only the toughest of mechs can survive a bombardment. Players are history if targeted. The Mechbuster missile is also guided by a state of the art targeting system, enabling it to track its target lethaly. ***WARNING*** Mechbusters can target players as well as mechs so check your aim and don't waste one of the good guys... =-=-=-=-= JUMP JETS =-=-=-=-= The jump jets replace a player's 'jump' function. Therefore to operate, just press your regular jump key (if it doesn't work, try getting a mech first...) Your jets have two functions. One is that they make you fly upward fairly slowly no matter what. You will always ascend if the jets are on (no hovering guys, it'd be too easy then, and would become a cheat...) Secondly, your jets propell you in the direction you are facing. So, if you wanna go up, not sideways, point up using 'mlook' and you'll be there, so if you just wanna fly across, just keep your view level, and you'll fly across and slightly upwards. I find that sometimes small 'bursts' of jets will get you where you wanna go much more efficiently... Keep that in mind. Anyway, just try it, and you'll be used to it in no time... Thats about all i've got to say, i'm not one for pages of documentation. Everything is pretty straightforward, so you should be able to work it out yourself, so just play, play, play... =-=-=-=- Impulses =-=-=-=- Yech! I know, "I hate impulses", so i tried to keep it simple: IMPULSE 30 - Toggles Chase Cam IMPULSE 31 - Toggles Instant Mech. If you are already in a mech, then it will eject you from that mech, and don't hang around, those mech's go off with 5 times the power of a standard grenade... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= How to Install the Modification =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make a directory called mech in your quake directory. Unzip "mechwar2.zip" into the mech directory, taking care to retain the directory structure. (Use '-d' command) cd back to quake and type quake -game mech Take a deep breath, and then run like a bastard to the nearest powerup... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Technical Details =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= No source, at the moment, it's based on the old 'MULTIQC' source, so still contains heaps a crap etc... If you really want the source, just mail me and i'd be glad to give it to you if you can decode it :) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Copyright and Distribution Permissions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Do what the hell you want wit this except: Authors may not include these modifications in commercial products without prior written permission of Lando. =-=-=-=-=-=- Availability =-=-=-=-=-=- This modification is available from the following places: Hmmm, i never understood this bit... if your reading this text file, you have obviously just downloaded the mod, or it's staring you in the face on the previous page... ??? but go here if you want it: http://www.ruralnet.net.au/~huda/quakec.html or directly from ftp://cdrom.com/pub/quake/quakec/ (somewhere) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- WHAT ??? A BUG ??? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Report an occurence like this to me at: lando@apollo.ruralnet.net.au NB: I have playtested this mod a fair bit, but there are always freak occurences which happen sometimes, so i couldn't debug everything...OK? So don't bite my head off if something fucks up... And besides, my first patch SHOULD have bugs... Enjoy it!!!