-------------------------------------------------------- Web Workshop Beta 2 Read Me -------------------------------------------------------- This file contains last minute information about installation. Last Minute Info ------------------- The help file is still not done! The contents is all messed up and I know this. The help file is being worked on everyday and should be done soon. umm. OH YA! I'm going to include some of my Java and VB Scripts in the final release and I might zip them with a secret password. This would be my little registration thing. That way you get the program absolutely free but if you choose to register yo get an extra bonus. Please email any comments you have on registration, I WILL NOT PUT A NAG SCREEN IN THIS PROGRAM! Thats my commitment to you. =) How To Install ------------------- Double Click wws-b2.exe You will be prompted for a directory to install to. Select a directory and then choose Web Workshop from the Start Menu. System Requirements -------------------- Web Workshop is a 32bit program it will not run on windows 3.1 There is no 16bit version available Windows95/NT - This program has not been tested on WinNT 486/25mhz PC - Pentium Recommended 4mg RAM - 16 Recommended. VGA Display - High Color Super VGA Recommended. VB40032.DLL - See help file for where to get it. Mouse Pointing Device. Release Notes --------------------- Well, this is the second beta release of this program. Therefore you will still find bugs, I beg of you to please report anything to ryan@lek.net This beta version will expire on February 25, 1997. This is freeware.. for now at least. If you would like to make a donation please see the help file for contact info. All contributions will go directly into the program, And you will get a life-time registration to each new version of web workshop. Thanks! Ryan Tomayko(ryan@lek.net)