Solitaire Package One REGISTRATION FORM --------------------------------------- Name: _________________________________________________ Registration name: _________________________________________________ (This will be used to create the codes, and this will appear on the About dialog after registration (Can be the same as Name)) Mailing address: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ E-Mail Address: ______________________ Where did you get SP1: _____________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Suggestions: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ORDERING INFO Yes I would like to register (check the boxes): All ten games [ ] for $15 If not all ten games: Agnes [ ] for $2 Canfield [ ] for $2 Engagements [ ] for $2 Fourteens [ ] for $2 Gargantua [ ] for $2 Golgotha [ ] for $2 Hemispheres [ ] for $2 Penguin [ ] for $2 Pyramid Building [ ] for $2 Sir Tommy [ ] for $2 ---------------------------------------------------- If you do not have an E-Mail address: + $2 postage ---------------------------------------------------- Total: US$________ ---------------------------------------------------- Send this order form with the required cash to: Kertes Gabor Kolcsey ltp. 1/711 Szekszard H-7100 Hungary