Chessmaster 5000 1.0.2 Upgrade Patch Readme File This patch will upgrade your Chessmaster 5000 FULL INSTALL from version 1.0.0 or 1.0.1 to version 1.0.2. This patch only works for FULL INSTALLS of Chessmaster 5000; make sure you have installed a FULL INSTALL before running this patch program. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS - Installation from a .ZIP archive file (e.g. 1. Create a temporary directory and unzip the archive to a temporary location (you will need to use a utility like PKUnZip(tm) or WinZip(tm) [] for this). 2. From within Windows 95, run the program 'CM5KPTCH.EXE'. 3. After clicking the OK button on the opening window, you will be asked to locate where you installed your Chessmaster 5000. The patch will show the default installation directory. If this is correct, simply click OPEN. If Chessmaster 5000 was installed to a directory other than the default, select that directory, and then click OPEN. Once there, select CM5000.EXE and click OPEN. 4. You will be prompted with a confirmation window. Make sure the path is correct. If you are sure, click YES. 5. Sit back and let the patch work its magic. When the message indicates that the installation is successful, Chessmaster 5000 will be updated to version 1.0.2. VERSION 1.0.2 CHANGES: 1. Portable Game Notation (PGN) import and export support improved. (See "Notes on PGN" below for more detailed information. Changes include: a. PGN save now conforms to PGN export protocol. b. PGN Import no longer clips header information (player names, etc.) c. PGN Import now recognizes "*" for game result. d. Empty tag ("") now properly handled. f. PGN Import now forces appropriate import settings (Algebraic notation, delimited annotations only, etc.) g. PGN Import now supports "%" as escape character. 2. New feature: added multi-game PGN dialog to permit selective game load and/or conversion. Multiple '.CMG' files no longer automatically created. 3. Auto-Annotator and Analyze Game a. Increased maximum seconds per move from 99 to 300. b. Game analysis now correctly displays scores between 0 and -1. c. Now correctly indicates "allows enemy passed pawn" when en passant pawn is involved. d. Minimize/Iconify application now supported while analyzing game. 4. Natural Language Advice a. Increased maximum seconds per move from 99 to 300. b. Castling and en passant in demonstrated moves now handled correctly. 5. Database a. Now correctly parses all query conditions in the different fields, allowing accurate search for Openings, Event, Location, and Result. b. Now correctly loads last move in database game. c. Occasional system crash when Chessmaster 5000 was shut down in the middle of a database query corrected. 6. Now allows editing of human player names while in the Edit / Information window. 7. Now supports "Program Files" as valid directory for File Dialogs. 8. About Boxes a. Added version information for Konig Engine Revision, found under Help / About Chessmaster window after "About" button is pressed. b. Added Help / About Database menu selection. 9. Moved default Practice Openings prompt window to be visible on a 640x480 display. 10. Fixed alignment of Tournament Headings. 11. Fixed system crash when Alt-F4 is pressed before program has launched completely. 12. Fixed occasional multi-threaded move list navigation internal corruption which could cause a program crash. Once corruption occurred, starting a new game would always result in a program crash until the program was shut down and re-launched. Navigating a multi-threaded move list occurs when moves are taken Back, and new moves are played. The "Move List" window shows the threads/branches as a down-arrow symbol. Click on the symbol to select from a pop-up list of moves representing the different threads. 13. Updated Online Help files as appropriate. 14. Numerous changes were made to facilitate foreign language versions. All of these changes should be invisible to the user. 15. Numerous cosmetic adjustments made. About Portable Game Notation Portable Game Notation (PGN) is an emerging standard designed for the representation of chess game data using ASCII text files. A good description of the standard can be found in the document entitled "Standard: Portable Game Notation Specification and Implementation Guide," available from various sources on the Internet. The PGN standard is comprised of two separate but related protocols: export protocol and import protocol. The export protocol is fairly restrictive in format and content. The protocol calls for seven tag pairs in a specific order: Event, Site, Date, Round, White, Black, Result. The movetext section, which contains the moves and annotations, follows these tag pairs. When CM5000 saves to a PGN file, it uses the export protocol. CM5000 does not use "Round" internally, but the tag pair [Round "?"] is output to conform to the standard. Heavily annotated games are not particularly attractive when using the PGN export protocol. To create a more attractive output, save the game as an "ASCII Move List." Or, use Edit / Copy Move List (w/tabs) to copy the move list to the clipboard and paste it into your favorite word processor. Using the Chessmaster font with figurine notation, you can create great looking game records. The PGN import protocol is much more flexible and is designed to enable programs to read game records created by humans as well as computers. When CM5000 reads a PGN file, it uses the PGN import protocol. When it encounters a tag pair that it doesn't recognize, it includes it as part of the overall game annotation. CM5000 recognizes Numeric Annotation Glyphs, but does not use them. If you have an ASCII move list that does not conform to PGN import standards, try the load "ASCII Move List" setting. This setting is able to import a wide variety of import files, including PGN. Ideally, any chess program that supports PGN should be able to exchange data. As you might imagine, this is not always the case. Here are some problems you might encounter importing PGN into other chess programs: 1) Inability to recognize tag pair. CM5000 only exports the PGN "Seven Tag Roster," (Event, Site, Date, Round, White, Black, Result), so you should have no trouble. If, however, you add your own tag pair to the PGN file, the other chess program is supposed to process it, but many do not. 2) Inability to recognize ";" as annotation delimiter. Programs should recognize ";" as a "rest of line" annotation delimiter. Since some other programs do not, CM5000 uses braces "{" and "}" to delimit annotation. If you add your own annotation to the PGN file, you should probably use the braces. 3) Improper Disambiguation When multiple pieces of the same type are able to move to the same square, Standard Algebraic Notation calls for disambiguating the moves by using the originating files or ranks or both. For example, two Rooks able to move to b2 might be coded as Rab2 and Rbb2. However, if one of the two Rooks is pinned and therefore can't move to b2, disambiguation is NOT used; the other Rook move is coded as Rb2. Both the definition of Standard Algebraic Notation and the SAN description in the PGN specifications are very explicit about this fact. Although Chessmaster obeys this protocol, there are programs that don't. These programs would reject Rb2 in the example as an unrecognized move. In the rare occurrence that this occurs, the only solution is to manually change the move in the PGN file from Rb2 to Rab2 or Rbb2. The other program should be able to handle the move, and CM5000 will still recognize the move. ********************************************************************** If you have any further questions, please contact Mindscape directly via: Toll-free Automated Support: 1-800-409-1497 24 hours Phone: 415-898-5157 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Pacific Time Fax: 415-897-5186 24hours BBS: 415-897-2867 24 hours MINDSCAPE ONLINE SERVICES Internet: Webpage: Http:// TS E-Mail: America OnLine: keyword=MINDSCAPE CompuServe: "GO MINDSCAPE" **********************************************************************