* ALLFIX for DOS Icon Installation Program v4.41 * This document contains a list of all the new features and changes that have been made since the last release version of AFINSTD. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Version 4.41 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 1. AFINSTD has been Updated to reflect ALLFIX V4.41 instead of v4.33 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Version 4.33 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 1. AFINSTD has been Updated to reflect ALLFIX V4.33 instead of v4.32 2. I finally figured out how to create DOS Full Screens instead of DOS Windows when using AFINSTD. 3. Created a New Workplace Shell Icon for the ALLFIX Main folder, I hope you like it..... 4. Created a Icon for the ALLFIX.DOC 5. Cleaned up some spelling errors ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Version 4.32.1 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 1. Fixed the bug that wouldn't allow Read/Edit access the COOKIE.TXT file when you Clicked on the Icon. 2. Fixed the bug that wouldn't allow Read Access to WHATSNEW.DOC file when you Clicked on the Icon. 3. When running AFINSTD, if it detects that a ALLFIX folder already exists it will now Replace the newer version instead of Updating the folder creating Double entries. 4. Created a New Icon for BAKE.EXE, it's as close to a Stove as I could get :-) 5. Double cliking on the BAKE Icon will now compile the COOKIE.TXT file into COOKIE.DAT used by AF. If you use a different file name just change the Option line in the BAKE.EXE settings. 6. Updated the FIXUTIL.EXE and FCOMP.EXE Icons.