How to use SOUPER as an NNTP CLIENT, with GIGO .. Grab the SOUPER12.ZIP or SOUPER13.ZIP packages. You can probably find them at the same place you found GIGO. Unpack the distribution files, and read through the docs. I am not attempting to document souper itself, only what I did to receive news with souper. You will need to create a "newsrc" file, which tells souper what nwesgroups to grab down. It should look something like >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> alt.test: 1 comp.os.os2.announce: 1 alt.magick: 1 alt.rock-n-roll.metal: 1 comp.os.linux.announce: 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Note, there should be no extra spaces, blank lines etc. Souper is very picky about this (any news program is, actually); if there is anything "wierd" there, it will have a problem. The "1" refers to the last messge read; effectively, it will grab _all_ new messages. The newsrc file is updated automaticly for the last-read indicator by souper. The .CMD file I use to grab news follows; there are a few 4OS/2 specific things in it. Anything that is 4OS/2 specific should be replaceable. Better yet, grab 4OS/2 - you'll be glad you did! This script will call souper, in news-only mode. It renames the *.MSG files it downloads (those are NOT fidonet *.MSG files), into *.BAG, and puts them into the BAGS directory. GIGO will read these bags just fine. GIGO will do it's posting with the GIGOSLIP,GIGOHELP,GIGOMAIL, and INEWS files. The INEWS program is the same that comes with Souper (and is actually, a common news posting program..) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> setlocal cdd e:\getnews if not "%1"=="" goto movem :top set set BAGS=c:\spool\bags souper -m rename *.msg *.bag /q set fsize=%@filesize[*.bag,k] echo Total kbytes - %fsize for %s in (*.bag) call %0 %s echo Sitting for the next 20 minutes. Hit any key. inkey /w1200 %%k goto top :movem rem This will make sure that when we move *.MSG to *.BAG, that rem duplicate names don't happen. set n=%@eval[ %@name[%1] + %@time[%_time] ] if exist %BAGS%%n.bag goto movem move %1 %BAGS%%n.bag /q >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.