README.TXT - Read me file for - zftpd - Terje's FTP Deamon ---------------------------------------------------------- This time I've changed the name, the initial name of 'tftpd' is change to avoid confusion with the 'tftp' standard. Also, I have run into some problems with the TCP/IP interface I am using and would be very glad if someone could mail me all the C header files and other stuff for the IBM TCP/IP stack. MAILING LIST ------------ There are a active mailing list for supporting _zftpd_ which you should use for all communication regarding _zftpd_. Please don't send me direct mail unless *really* must be private. To subscribe, send a mail to "" with the words "subscribe merlin" in the message body, you will receive a return mail welcoming you to the list if everything was successfull. DIRECT CONTACT -------------- eMail: EFnet: #zftpd (_zftpd_ support channel) [Frog] (This is usually me when I'm awake) Mr_Frog (This is online most of the time, latest version of tftpd allways on offer)