Thanks for sweating through the download of all this! As you will notice, a lot of the bulk is made up by help files - isn't that a relief? First browse through qi091.hlp for general information. Note that the help files are separate for each component, in keeping with the modular ideal. To install the components, copy all subsidiary files listed in the component's help file (except the help file) aswell as qiReg.pas and qiReg.dcr into your library folder, then add qiReg.pas in the "Install Components" dialog. Compile and run Tester.dpr without first having to install the components as they are created manually in Test.pas. Note that design-time property editors can also be opened while running this program - a convenient way to quickly check out my stuff! First load all the components before trying Demo.dpr. Also be sure to unzip into a sub-folder as it contains tables with tha same names and are incompatable with the Tester program as the defined fields are different. The database tables belong to the archiver (qiArchiv), contain example stored queries, and can be deleted as it can create new ones, in case you're wondering... I hope you find it worth your time and would like to hear from you. Regards Justin Turberville JustinT @ ps: I thought it would be better to first release this preview for feedback rather than trying to flog some half-baked affair that is bound to have a revision following soon after! I plan to roll out a registerable version 1.0 presently so look out for at where you found this.