Purchase.txt ------------ benefits of purchasing and registration. --------------------------------------------------------- support with any problems, free updates with new versions , new shareware offers. original disk and new features. improved mail facilities. key sizes are increased on registration to 96bit for safedrive and 60 bit for ncrypt.This is the no of possible keys not the actual length of key.The key lengths are 80 bit on shareware version and 160bit and 96bit in registered version. --------------------------------------------------------- Registered users of the 16bit version of ncrypt may upgrade to the 32bit version for £10. To purchase Ncrypt and recieve a registered copy send a cheque for £33 pound sterling or equivalent to:- Soft Concepts. P.O. Box 9013 Larkhall Lanarkshire Scotland U.K. ML92LH Please include £3 Sterling for postage if outside the U.K. ---------------------------------------------------------- Email a.mccann@ukonline.co.uk ---------------------------------------------------------- Web Site- For latest version and other software:- http://web.ukonline.co.uk/members/a.mccann/index.htm