Thank you for using DLL Master. We hope you will find it a useful Windows tool. The shareware version is provided for your evaluation. Individuals who decide to keep using it are requested to pay the registration fee. Companies and other organizations MUST register after a 30 day evaluation period. DLL Master lists all modules currently loaded in Windows' memory, and allows you to load, unload, or decrement the use count of DLLs--at your own risk, of course. Module path, datetime, filesize and internal version and header info are shown; multiple lists are kept, lists can be compared, printed, saved to and restored from disk. Specific DLLs can also be loaded at Windows' startup. DLL Master 4.1 and higher requires Windows 95 or Windows NT. Use DLL Master 3.3 for Windows 3.1. If you have received this product on diskette, it contains both Win95/NT and Win31 versions. DLL Master is written in Visual Basic, and as such requires the VB 3.0 runtime module VBRUN300.DLL as well as certain other modules in order to run. Since these files take up a lot of space and increase download time, the large VBRUN300.DLL is not included in the shareware versions available from online services. VBRUN300.DLL is available on many bulletin boards and online services including Compuserve. If you can't get hold of it send us $3.00 for shipping/handling and we'll send it to you. The registered version of DLL Master, DLLMSTRG.ZIP, contains all the necessary files, since it is normally provided on diskette by mail. TO INSTALL FROM DLLMST41.ZIP, DLLMST33.ZIP or DLLMSTRG.ZIP: 1) Create a temporary directory on your hard disk. For example: md c:\dllmtemp 2) Using PKUNZIP, unzip the file into the new directory. For example: pkunzip a:dllmst40 c:\dllmtemp 3) Go into Windows, select the File/Run menu, and run SETUP: c:\dllmtemp\setup.exe Setup will properly install DLL Master as a Windows application, into the directory of your choice. After this has been done you may delete the temporary directory and its contents. TO INSTALL DLL MASTER FROM DLLMSTSW.ZIP: This zipfile contains only the program, helpfile, supporting DLLs and some accompanying text files. It does not contain VBRUN300.DLL, GRID.VBX, THREED.VBX, CMDIALOG.VBX or COMMDLG.DLL, which are required for running DLL Master. If you are reading this README file having unzipped it from DLLMSSW.ZIP, you have already completed the installation. Just run DLL Master from the File/Run menu or set up an icon for it. DLL Master was compiled in the presence of the following (or later) VBX versions: THREED VBX 64432 07-16-93 3:28p CMDIALOG VBX 18688 04-28-93 12:00a GRID VBX 44656 04-28-93 12:00a Older versions of THREED.VBX in particular can cause problems. If you experience problems which you think might be caused by outdated DLLs or VBXs, download DLLMST40.ZIP (Windows 95) or DLLMST33.ZIP (Windows 3.1), which contain adequate versions of all needed files. These zipfiles can be found on Compuserve in the WinShare and MSSDK forums. You might also find them in shareware repositories on the Internet which mirror the SimTel repository. WHAT TO DO IF SETUP CANNOT INSTALL A FILE: Sometimes the SETUP program cannot install a newer version of a DLL or other module because an existing version of the module is in use and Windows will not allow it to be overlaid. In this case, you will want to install the module manually. Here are the steps to do this: 1) Exit from Windows. 2) Use the EXPAND utility to decompress the file from the temporary directory. The compressed version of the file has an underscore as the last character of the extension. For example, THREED.VBX will appear as THREED.VB_. (In fact, THREED.VBX may very well be in use when you run install DLL Master.) In this example, you would expand the file by running the following command from the DOS prompt: expand c:\dlltemp\threed.vb_ \windows\system\threed.vbx The various file extensions are transformed as follows: any VB_ extension becomes VBX, DL_ becomes DLL, EX_ becomes EXE, etc. EXPAND.EXE should exist on your system in both the \WINDOWS and \DOS directories. 3) Verify that the new version was indeed expanded and copied, and then restart Windows. Please contact us if you have any questions, problems or suggestions for improvements to DLL Master. We also request that you register your copy if you find yourself continuing to use DLL Master (please read the Registration topic in the Help file or LICENSE.TXT). KNOWN ISSUES AND INCOMPATIBILITIES: THREED.VBX, a module used by DLL Master, underwent several revisions in 1993. Also, a separate version was apparently included with certain versions of printer software accompanying laser printers from a very excellent company which shall remain nameless. Which one is the "right" one? We don't know. If, when the mouse pointer rests on one of the toolbar icons for over half a second, a yellow 'tool tip' or help balloon does not pop up just beneath the pointer, then you probably have a version of THREED.VBX on your machine which is slightly incompatible with the one used when DLL Master was compiled. Another symptom is that the toolbar and the logo that displays at startup are white instead of gray. You can download the most current version of THREED.VBX from Compuserve ('GO SHERIDAN'). DLL Master ships with the 7/16/93 version (filesize 64432, internal version 3.0.1) or later. If you display version information for CPQHQV08.EXE version 3.10.00 (this is a Compaq QVision display driver), the Language combo will list 8 languages. However, no matter which one you select, the string file information still displays in English. This is not a DLL Master bug. The version resource inside CPQHQV08.EXE actually contains a subsection for each of the languages--all identical, all in English. (DLL Master is a trademark of Shaftel Software. Windows and Visual Basic are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.)