Reboot for Windows 95/NT

A utility to help notify you when computers are rebooted

You may download the latest shareware copy of this software here.


This program was originally written to provide me with information from a Windows 95 workstation when certain computers on the network would reboot. The computers on the network were NT workstations, and at the time there was no way that I could detect when they were rebooting. So, I wrote this pair of programs to help me. I wrote another program that would take the information made be Reboot, and then page me when a computer would reboot.


Installation is a 2 part process. First, you must install the Reboot/Client program on the computers that you want to monitor. Then, install the Reboot/Server program on the computer that will be monitoring.

Reboot/Client: Simply copy the Reboot/Client program to the computer you want to monitor. I suggest putting a shortcut to the program in the Startup Group of the computer you want to monitor. That way, when the computer is restarted, this program will always be executed. The program executes extremely fast, and then terminates.

Reboot/Server: Simply copy the Reboot/Server program to the computer that will be monitoring. This program should be running at all times. It will check for new reboot messages to be sent from any Reboot/Client programs on the network. When a message is recieved, the following actions take place:

1) The message is displayed in the main window of the program, and the program will begin to flash. Press the Acknowledge button to erase the message and stop the flashing.

2) A text file will be created on the root of the C: drive. This text file, called reboot.txt, will be appended with the name of the computer that rebooted, plust the date and time (Example, "Computer TEST rebooted at 1/1/97 12:40:03"). New messages will be appended to this file.

I provide the text file so that other programs can read the file for the information. You may delete this file at any time; Reboot/Server will recreate it.


Computer: Any computer on a network running Windows 95 or Window NT 3.5X (and 4.0)

Memory:8 MB RAM

Disk Space:<1 MB

Operating System:Windows 95, NT (3.5X & 4.0)

Networking Software: Microsoft Network (NetBEUI)


The regsitered version of this program costs $10. This will provide you with unlimited license (i.e., you may install the Reboot/Client software on any number of workstations). Also, the screen that will appear on the Reboot/Server program every so often will dissappear). Please make checks payable to Ken Salter. See below for contact information.

Ken Salter
116 Crenshaw St.
TEL: 334.478.7351

Copyright © 1997 by Ken Salter. All rights reserved.
All specifications subject to change without notice.
Other products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders.

This file was last updated on 19 January 1997.