Deadline Systems URLBar FAQ V1.00

How do I add a new URL ?

Right click on the URLBar icon on the taskbar and select the Setup... menu option. Then click on the New button and a dialog showing with two entry fields will appear. Enter the name of the URL as you want it to appear on the menu (eg My Favorite News Page) in the first edit box. And enter the URL itself in the second edit box (eg Then click the OK button. And click the Close button in the next dialog. Next time you right click on the URLBar icon your link will be shown on the menu.
You can add or change URLs using the same procedure.

Nothing happens when I click on an URL menu option that I've entered

Make sure you have a default browser installed. Both Netscape and MSIE make themselves the default browser when they are installed.
If you are using MSIE select Options from the View menu and click on the Programs tab. Check the box that says default browser. Close down MSIE (using ALT-F4) and restart it. If it shows a message box saying something like MSIE is not the default browser. Would you like it be be the default browser ? click yes.

When I click on a menu option the browser starts but I don't get the page I was expecting

Make sure you typed the name of the page correctly. Go into setup and Edit the Link. See if you can get to it using the browser. If you can then re-enter the link in the URLBar Edit field.
A good way of entering links is to cut and paste from your browser straight into the URL edit box in URLBar.

What's the difference between URLs and Static URLs ?

Very little. They both have exactly the same effect when your browser is launched. Only registered users can add Static URLs. Nobody can delete or change Static URLs though. Normal URLs can be changed or deleted.

How do I delete or change a Static URL ?

You can't. They are there forever and cannot be changed or deleted.

How do I register URLBar ?

You need to visit the Registration Page. A license number will be generated for you (usually within 24 hours) and emailed back to you with confirmation of your purchase.

Now I've got a license number what do I do with it ?

Start URLBar as usual. Go to the About Dialog and click on the Register Button. You can then type in your name and company name and your new license number. You must type in the details exactly as shown on your Registration Certificate.

What's the latest version of URLBar and where can I get it from ?

It's currently V1.00. And you can get it from

What's the difference between URLBar and URLBarPro ?

URLBarPro is for large sites or ISPs who want to allow their users access to their site quickly and easily. When your ISP licenses URLBarPro, you can get it from them for free, so persuade them to license it. Otherwise URLBar and URLBarPro are identical. The advantage to ISPs is that they can add Static URLs to the menu before distributing URLBarPro.

Can you suggest any additions to the URLBar FAQ ? If so mail us at

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Last updated 19 February 1997
Copyright © 1996-1997 Deadline Systems. All rights reserved.