F A L K - G U N Welcome to Falk-Gun, a simple little airial dog fighter game, this game was basicly created to bring back the users skills in a real text style game, your objective is to become an ace of aces and kill off the MIG 29, to do this you must fight your way through 30 airfields, once this is done, you will be able to engage the MIG 29 but beware, even though your jet is fully armored and functional, he has the equivalent of your jet but has 50 more hit points. NOTE: All commands are expected to be full words, YES for YES and NO for NO, Falk-gun will NOT recognize a Y or a N. ****************************************************************************** Command summary ATTACK : Fight the migs in your area, you must kill all migs to move up to the next available airfield, however if you get killed, you will have to start the game all over again. ARMS SHOP : Buy and sell your weapons system for stronger arms. DEPOSIT : Deposit all cash that your carrying into the bank, but beware, this is not always a safe place for your cash since other users can rob the hanger. FIGHT : Fight other users in the game, if you win, you get thier plane (if it is stronger than yours) if you lose then they get yours and you start all over again. GAMBLE : Go to the club and enjoy some gambling (This area is under construction and will be adding more games) GOODBYE : Exit the game at any prompt. HANGER : Put your plane in the hanger for repairs. INSTRUCTIONS : This file. JET SHOP : Buy and sell your planes here, this is where you can go to get a stronger faster aircraft. KILL CHARACTER: Erase your current player. LIST : list all available players. LOGOFF : Exit Game and logoff system. LOTTERY : Falkgun Lotto, win yourself some cash. MENU : Short menu of available commands. ROB BANK : Rob the bank of the hanger, you will steal all the cash that other pilots have in thier bank account, but if your caught, you will bring in more enemy aircraft to fight. SPY : Spy on another pilot, just dont get caught. STATUS : Show your current status. WINNERS : Show the best of the best, the ace of aces records. WITHDRAWAL : Withdraw money from your bank if it hasnt been stolen from you. *******************************************************************************