============================================================================== THE HUNT WORLD CREATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTRODUCTION ============ Have some good ideas for the game? Want to make your copy of The HUNT stand out from the rest? You can add just about anything you can think of to the game. When designing The HUNT, I went out of my way to make it flexible, expandable, and detailed. No one wants to add to a game if it's tough or difficult to do, so I tried to make everything easy and as intuitive as I could. All game information is stored in ordinary text files using regular English words and names. There are basically three elements to world of The HUNT: 1. The Locations 2. The NPC Criminals 3. The Equipment Each of these are explained in-depth below, so let's leap into it... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION CREATION ================= LOCATION CREATION INTRO ----------------------- There are a variety of different types of locations in The HUNT: Normal; Shops; Inns; Psychics; Med Centers; Banks; Bounty Offices; Training Centers; and Whore Houses. Let's look at each in-depth... FILES ----- All equipment is kept in ordinary text files in HLOCS, a subdirectory of your main HUNT directory. I've named the location files with .LOC extensions, and they must remain this way. The .LOC extension is used throughout the code for The HUNT, and using something else won't work. You can start a new file for the location you're adding, or you can just add it to an existing file. Also, there's no reason why you can't have different types of locations in the same file. Normally, I put the different types in different files just to logically group things together. GENERAL LOCATION INFORMATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This parameter information is needed (or can be used) in all of the different location types. Name at start - Needed for Every type --------------------------------------- BEGIN_LOCATION Test Location - 1 to 39 Characters, try to keep it on the smaller size for readability in the game Types - Needed for Every type ------------------------------------ TYPE STD - Normal locations with no special options TYPE SHOP - Shops where players can buy and sell equipment TYPE INN - Inns where players can drink, sleep, and gamble TYPE LOCATE - Shops where players can buy info about other people TYPE HEAL - Places where players can heal themselves and buy more medkits TYPE BANK - Banks where player's money is safely kept TYPE BOUNTY - Offices where a player can collect their gathered bounties TYPE TRAIN - Centers where players can go up levels TYPE WHORE - Brothels were players can sleep with prostitutes Default: If this line is not included in the location description, the location defaults to STD. Map - Needed for Every type ---------------------------------------- MAP TESTMAP.MAP - The ANSI text file to display from the HMAPS subdirectory when a player tries viewing their current map. Default: If this file can not be found or this line is not in the location description, a message is displayed to the player saying CAT has no map for the current location. First Description - Used for Any type --------------------------------------------- BEGIN_FIRST_DESCRIPTION - One line of text displayed once when a player first END_FIRST_DESCRIPTION enters a location. Lines past 1 ignored. Default: This is not needed. It's only an available extra. Not including it won't display anything. Description - Needed for Every type ------------------------------------------ BEGIN_DESCRIPTION - The location description displayed for a player. All END_DESCRIPTION text between these two lines will be displayed and colored using the standard colors for the location the player is currently at. Default: If this description is omitted, no text will be displayed. Boring. Directions - Needed for Every type ------------------------------------------ BEGIN_DIRECTIONS - The direction explanation will take some time... END_DIRECTIONS Default: None. Warning - Make sure you put at least direction! As many direction are available as you'd like to have. There must be at least one direction. If not, players will be stuck at a location unable to go anywhere else. There is nothing they can do. 1> Directions are used by hitting a key for that direction as noted in square brackets (ie: [N]orth). Any Alpha-Numeric character can be used, EXCEPT ones used for other options. For example, you might want to have [C]limb an available direction, however, [C]AT is a standard and over-riding option so your [C]limb direction would never be possible. Instead, call it [S]tairs or [L]adder. 2> After the one word direction and a space, one character is needed as follows: The "-" Seperator IE: [N]orth - HEASY East Easy Street This is the standard seperator. Nothing special or different happens. A # Seperator IE: [N]orth 3 HEASY East Easy Street This seperator is used to inform a player they are entering an area of different difficulty. Depending on the players level, a different message is displayed: Level < # Msg indicating entering an easy area # <= Level <= #+2 Msg saying appropriately difficult area Level > #+2 Msg indicating entering a hard area The "S" Seperator IE: [N]orth S HEASY East Easy Street This seperator is used to note this direction as secret. Directions with this "S" seperator are not visible by the player, but are still available if they just try hitting the key for direction. Also, when a player does try a secret direction like this, a special message is displayed letting the player know what happened. The text between the two lines: BEGIN_SECRET_TEXT END_SECRET_TEXT ...in this location's description is displayed. If there is no text of this type, nothing is displayed and the direction works like a normal one. 3> The next word, surrounded again by white space, is the name of the .LOC file in the HLOCS subdirectory that the new location the player is moving to can be found in. Case does not matter. Up to 40 characters are available in case you want to make new subdirectories within HLOCS or put new .LOC files elsewhere, but I don't recommend it. If the file can not be found, the player is "emergency teleported" back to the New Player start location with an error msg to let you know about the problem. 4> After the new location filename and one space, the new location's name follows to the end of the line, including spaces. Again case does not matter. Up to 80 character for the name are available, but try to keep it short so that text on-screen looks justified and not strange. If the location within the previously mentioned .LOC file (#3 above) cannot be found, the player is "emergency teleported" back to the New Player start location with an error msg to let you know about the problem. Encounters - Used for Any type ------------------------------------ BEGIN_ENCOUNTER - For indicated possible encounters a player can have here. END_ENCOUNTER Again, this will take some explaining... Defaults: If omitted, no encounters possible at this location. The whole point of The HUNT is encountering and possibly exterminating people/things in a player's path. To have possible encounters at a location, this encounter info must exist in the location's write-up. 1> Probability Line (PROB) IE: PROB 30 This is the chance of running into a random NPC/Criminal at a location. If this line doesn't exist, no chance of a random encounter. 2> NPC List Line (LIST) IE: LIST HEASY.NPC This is the .NPC file that a random NPC can be taken from. Any NPC in this file can appear. Again, if this file does not exist or is empty, there is, then, no chance of a random NPC encounter. 3> Permanent NPC Line (PERM) IE: PERM HPERME.NPC Domino This line is used to denote the location of a major criminal (one's listed from CAT and typically more difficult). The first string after PERM and a space is the .NPC filename to look for the permanent NPC in. Next, preceded again by a space, is the permanent NPC's name to search for in the file. If this permanent NPC is not in prison, he or she will always appear here. If imprisoned, he or she won't appear, but depending on the PROB and LIST in this encounter info, it is possible to have a random encounter still. Name at end - Needed for Every type ----------------------------------------------- END_LOCATION Test Name - 1 to 39 Characters, same as Name at start above SHOP SPECIFIC LOCATION INFORMATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This parameter information is needed (or can be used) in Shop type locations. Inventory File - Needed for SHOP type locations -------------------------------------------------- FILE HSHOPCA.LST - A file in the HLOCS subdirectory listing all of a shop's items available for sale. This will take some explaining. Default: None. No items available to be bought if this line doesn't exist, or the file can't be found. As many items as you'd like can be in this file for a shope to sell. Try to keep each shop's list less than 100 so it doesn't take too long to go through. Each line indicates one item for sale, in the following format: FILENAME COST NAME. FILENAME is a text file in the HTEXTS subdirectory that this item's description can be found in. COST is the item's cost. NAME is the item's name (up to 15 characters, including spaces). For example, a Bamboo Pole described in HTEXTS\HMELEE.TXT costing $5 at this store would be: HMELEE.TXT 5 Bamboo Pole The item's cost in this file does not have to be the same (or anywhere near) the item's actual worth in it's writeup description. Some shops mah have better prices than others, even on the same item. Both Weapons and Armour can be included in this file. Shopkeeper Talk - Needed for SHOP type locations ------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_TALK_TEXT - The text between these two lines is displayed if a player END_TALK_TEXT attempts to talk to the person running the shop. Buying Talk - Needed for SHOP type locations ------------------------------------------------ BEGIN_BUY_TEXT - The text between these two lines is displayed if a player END_BUY_TEXT tries buying something from a shop. Usually it is what the shopkeeper says. Selling Talk - Needed for SHOP type locations ------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_SELL_TEXT - The text between these two lines is displayed if a player END_SELL_TEXT tries selling something to a shop. Usually it is what the shopkeeper says. INN SPECIFIC LOCATION INFORMATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This parameter information is needed (or can be used) in Inn type locations. Gambling - Needed for INN type locations --------------------------------------------- GAMBLING BPR - This line indicates what types of gambling is available at this Inn location: B=Black Jack; P=Pulltabs; R=Russian Roulette. Put only the letters for the ones you want available. Order is not important. Default: If this line is omitted or no letters given for types of gambling, then a message is displayed saying no gambling is available here. Drinks - Needed for INN type locations ------------------------------------------------ DRINKS NJIZBFMP - This line indicates what kind of drinks are available at this Inn location: N=New Coke; J=Jack Knife; I=Iron Man; Z=Flaming Zombie; B=Broken Glass; F=Fuzzy Orifice; M=Mystery Machine; and P=Phoenix. Put only the letters for the ones you want available. Order is not important. Default: If this line is omitted or no letters given for types of drinks, then a message is displayed saying no drinks available here. Room Cost - Needed for INN type locations ----------------------------------------- COST 90 - This is the cost of getting a room for the night at the Inn. Also, bribing the bartender for info on who is stayin at this in costs 1/15 the price of a room. Further, bribing the bartender for the key to a room costs 5 times the price of a room. Bartender Talk - Needed for INN type locations ------------------------------------------------ BEGIN_TALK_TEXT - The text between these two lines is displayed if a player END_TALK_TEXT attempts to talk to the bartender. Getting a Room Talk - Needed for INN type locations ---------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_GETROOM_TEXT - The text between these two lines is displayed when a END_GETROOM_TEXT player tries renting a room for the night. LOCATE SPECIFIC LOCATION INFORMATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This parameter information is needed (or can be used) in Locate type locations. Service Cost - Needed for LOCATE type locations ----------------------------------------------- COST 90 - This is the cost of getting an NPC's location. It costs double to get an exterminator's location. Also, it costs 3 times as much to get detailed information on an NPC, and 6 times as much for detailed information on a player. Valuable knowledge doesn't come cheap. Shopkeeper Talk - Needed for LOCATE type locations --------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_TALK_TEXT - The text between these two lines is displayed if a player END_TALK_TEXT attempts to talk to the person running the shop. HEALING SPECIFIC LOCATION INFORMATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This parameter information is needed (or can be used) in Healing type locations. Healing Cost - Needed for HEAL type locations --------------------------------------------- COST 2 - This is the cost to heal 1 Stamina point at this Med Center. Also, the cost of Medkits at this shop is 5 times this cost. Shopkeeper Talk - Needed for HEAL type locations ------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_TALK_TEXT - The text between these two lines is displayed if a player END_TALK_TEXT attempts to talk to the person running the shop. BANK, BOUNTY, AND TRAINING SPECIFIC LOCATION INFORMATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This parameter information is needed (or can be used) in Bank, Bounty, or Training type locations. There is not much more in these 3 types than normal STD type locations, just some talking text. Shopkeeper Talk - Needed for BANK, BOUNTY, and TRAINING type locations ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_TALK_TEXT - The text between these two lines is displayed if a player END_TALK_TEXT attempts to talk to the person running the shop. WHORE SPECIFIC LOCATION INFORMATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This parameter information is needed (or can be used) in Whore type locations. Whores - Needed for WHORE type locations ------------------------------------------------ WHORES FTNEW - This line indicates what kind of whores are available at this brothel location: F=Freaky Franny; T=Tammy; N=North; E=Elizabeth; W=Warren. Put only the letters for the ones you want available. Order is not important. Default: If this line is omitted or no letters given for whores, then a message is displayed saying no whores available here. Description File - Needed for WHORE type locations -------------------------------------------------- FILE HMADONNA.LST - This is text file contains an ANSI description of the available whores at this Whore House. If this file doesn't exist, an error will appear, but the whores will still be available. Shopkeeper Talk - Needed for HEAL type locations ------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_TALK_TEXT - The text between these two lines is displayed if a player END_TALK_TEXT attempts to talk to the person running the shop. LOCATION EXAMPLES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following are places you can find examples of the various location types. All files are in the HLOCS subdirectory... STD - File: HEASY.LOC Location: Easy Street SHOP - File: HSHOP.LOC Location: City Armoury INN - File: HINN.LOC Location: Rogue's Inn LOCATE - File: HLOCATE.LOC Location: Crystal's Emporium HEAL - File: HMED.LOC Location: City Medical Clinic BANK - File: HBANK.LOC Location: City Savings Bank BOUNTY - File: HBOUNTY.LOC Location: City Bounty Collection Office TRAIN - File: HTRAIN.LOC Location: City Training Center WHORE - File: HWHORE.LOC Location: Madonna Apartments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NPC CRIMINAL CREATION ===================== NPC CREATION INTRO ------------------ There is only one type of NPC in The HUNT: The Criminal. Perhaps, in the future I may add Civilian and Exterminator NPCs, but at the moment they're not available. FILES ----- All NPCs are kept in ordinary text files in HNPCS, a subdirectory of your main HUNT directory. I've named the location files with .NPC extensions, and they must remain this way. The .NPC extension is used throughout the code for The HUNT, and using something else won't work. You can start a new file for the NPC you're adding, or you can just add him or her to an existing file. Keep the normal, random NPCs in seperate files than the major, permanent ones. Often locations name a .NPC file to pull out a random NPC from, and it should not be one of the few major, permanent ones. GENERAL NOTES ------------- Begin all NPCs with a BEGIN_NPC line, and end each with an END_NPC line. Put every line needed for each in. Leaving out a line will not crash the game. Some default will be used, but they're not good, playable defaults and will have unexpected results. The text is NOT case-sensitive. I created a standard case format for the text when creating the equipment, and I recommend sticking to it just for consistency, but it really doesn't matter. NPC Text ~~~~~~~~ There are four (or five for some) text parts for each NPC as follows... BEGIN_DESCRIPTION, END_DESCRIPTION Between these two lines is the description of the NPC when a player runs into them in the city. BEGIN_TALK_TEXT, END_TALK_TEXT Between these two lines is the text displayed when a player successfully talks with an NPC. BEGIN_WON_TEXT, END_WON_TEXT Between these two lines is the text displayed when the NPC wins a fight with a player. BEGIN_LOST_TEXT, END_LOST_TEXT Between these two lines is the text displayed when the NPC loses a fight with a player. BEGIN_DOSSIER, END_DOSSIER (for major, permanent NPCs only) Between these two lines is the text displayed when a player looks up this NPC in CAT's dossier database. Only the major, permanent NPCs need this text. The random NPCs don't need it, and adding it for them won't screw anything up, but you'd be wasting your time. STATISTIC PARAMETERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The NPC's stats fall between the two lines: BEGIN_STATS, and END_STATS. Each of the stat line is explained below... NAME Test NPC - The NPC's name, 1 to 25 Characters including spaces LEVEL 1 - NPC's Level, should be between 1 and 10, but an integer up to 32,767 should theoretically work. Anything above 10 is no different than 10. Race ---- RACE HUMAN - NPC is a normal human RACE ANIMAL - NPC is an animal, can't talk, can't take weapons when dead Class ----- CLASS CRIMINAL - NPC's can currently only be criminals, even animals must be Reaction -------- REACTION COMBATIVE - NPC will be aggressive, prone to skip talking and attack REACTION NEUTRAL - NPC will not be helpful, yet not quick to fight either REACTION HELPFUL - NPC will be talkative, and not likely to provoke a fight Combat Type ----------- COMBATTYPE KAMIKAZE - NPC attacks with best weapon and will never run COMBATTYPE AGGRESSIVE - NPC attacks with best weapon and run when sta < 1/8 COMBATTYPE HANDTOHAND - NPC attacks with best weapon and run when sta < 1/8 COMBATTYPE DISTANCE - NPC attacks with best weapon and run when sta < 1/8 COMBATTYPE DEFENSIVE - NPC attacks with best weapon and run when sta < 1/4 COMBATTYPE CHICKEN - NPC won't fight, will only run Sex --- SEX MALE - NPC is a man SEX FEMALE - NPC is a woman Mutant Power Type ----------------- POWERTYPE HEALING_FACTOR - Slowly heal when moving around, useless for an NPC POWERTYPE HEALING_HANDS - Can heal self a few times/day, useless for an NPC POWERTYPE THICK_SKIN - Take less damage from both melee and range damage POWERTYPE HARD_SKIN - Take a lot less damage from range attacks POWERTYPE STRENGTH - Extra strength, good for punching damage POWERTYPE SPEED - Extra melee hits, and faster attacking in combat POWERTYPE TK_KNIFE - TK melee weapon always available POWERTYPE TK_BLAST - TK range weapon always available POWERTYPE TK_FIELD - Great Anti-TK defense, slight general defense also POWERTYPE TK_LOCATE - Power to locate people, uselss for an NPC POWERTYPE LUCK - Slight better luck in combat POWERTYPE CHAMELEON - Slightly more difficult to hit, faster attacking POWERTYPE TELEPORTATION - Can choose where to move to, useless for an NPC POWERTYPE ELASTICITY - Can attack at range with melee weapons POWERVAL 0 - The amount of times/day able to use mutant power. Whatever number in here is irrelevant for NPC as it only applies to powers that are useless to NPCs. Attributes ---------- STR 25 - Strength, from 1 to 100 MEL 35 - Melee, from 1 to 100 RAN 30 - Range, from 1 to 100 DEX 40 - Dexterity, from 1 to 100 STA 33 - Stamina, from 1 to 100 CHA 30 - Charisma, from 1 to 100 MONEY 100 - The amount of cash the NPC is carrying and the player gets when beating in a fight. BOUNTY 100 - The amount of money that the player gets from the city added to his or her bounty account to pick up later. Weapons and Armour ------------------ WEAPON1 HWEAPONS.TXT .22 Rifle - One of NPC's weapons WEAPON2 none - The other of NPC's weapons ARMOUR HARMOUR.TXT Leather Jacket - The NPC's armour The NPC's armour and weapon lines have the following format: ITEM FILENAME ITEMNAME The item is WEAPON1, WEAPON2, or ARMOUR. The FILENAME is the equipment text file in the HTEXTS subdirectory that the item's description is contained in. The ITERMNAME is, surprise, the item's name found within the file FILENAME. If the NPC is supposed to be missing one or all of these items, put "none" on the rest of the line. Also, if the item named can not be found, that item is also made to be none. DISTANCE 20 - The distance between a player and the NPC if a fight begins. NPC EXAMPLES ~~~~~~~~~~~~ For some examples of NPCs, take a look at any .NPC file in the HNPCs subdirectory. More specifically, you can find the major, permanent NPCs in the following files: HPERME.NPC - Easy permanent NPCs HPERMM.NPC - Medium permanent NPCs HPERMH.NPC - Hard permanent NPCs HPERMEX.NPC - Expert permanent NPCs HPERMT.NPC - Tower permanent NPCs The other .NPC files in the HNPCS subdirectory are all filled with random NPCs encountered on the various streets and in the different buildings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EQUIPMENT CREATION ================== EQUIPMENT CREATION INTRO ------------------------ There are two types of equipment in The HUNT: Weapons, and Armour. Of course, within these there are varieties of each. We'll look at all the possibilities... FILES ----- All equipment is kept in ordinary text files in HTEXTS, a subdirectory of your main HUNT directory. I've named the files with .TXT extensions, but it really could be anything. You can start a new file for the equipment you're adding, or you can just add it to an existing one. Also, there's no reason why you can't have both Armour and Weapons in the same file. Normally, I put them in seperate file just to logically group things together. The default text files equipment data is stored in are... HARMOUR TXT - A whole bunch of different kinds of armour HARMOURR TXT - Some more armour, but more rare stuff not found often HMACHINE TXT - Machine Guns HANIMAL TXT - Animal weapons (claws, bites, etc) and armour (hides, etc) HWEAPONS TXT - A whole bunch of different kinds of weapons HROBOT TXT - Robot weapons (lasers, etc) and armour (metal bodies, etc) HMELEE TXT - Melee/Hand-to-hand weapons HWEAPONR TXT - Some more weapons, but more rare stuff not found often HMWEAPON TXT - Some weird, miscellaneous weapons HPISTOLS TXT - Pistols, tricky one HMUTANT TXT - Mutant weapons (fire-breathing, etc) and armour (scales, etc) HSWORDS TXT - Swords, surprise HRIFLES TXT - Grapefruit, er, I mean Rifles Add any new files you like or add to these ones. But, keep all of these equipment text files in HTEXTS. GENERAL NOTES ------------- Begin all Weapons and Armour with a NAME line, and end each with an END line. Put every line needed for each in. Weapons need TYPE, USAGE, STYLE, RATE, HI_DMG, LO_DMG, the different Ranges, and WORTH lines. Armour needs TYPE, USAGE, STYLE, HI_DMG, LO_DMG, and WORTH lines. Leaving out a line will not crash the game. Some default will be used, but they're not good, playable defaults and will cause unpredictable effects. The text is NOT case-sensitive. I created a standard format for the text when creating the equipment, and I recommend sticking to it just for consistency, but it really doesn't matter. Name at start - Needed for both Weapons and Armour ---------------------------------------------------- NAME Test Name - 1 to 15 Characters Types - Needed for both Weapons and Armour ------------------------------------------------- TYPE PISTOL - Close range Pistol weapon TYPE RIFLE - Long range Rifle weapon TYPE KNIFE - Melee Weapon TYPE SWORD - Melee Weapon TYPE CLUB - Melee Weapon TYPE POLE - Melee Weapon TYPE ARMOUR - Use only for Armour Usages - Needed for both Weapons and Armour -------------------------------------------------------- USAGE RANGE - Use for longer range Rifle weapons USAGE MELEE - Use for close range Melee weapons USAGE RANGEORMELEE - Use for Pistol-type weapons USAGE DEFENSE - Use only for Armour Styles - Needed for both Weapons and Armour ------------------------------------------------------ STYLE BULLET - Use for Range or RangeOrMelee weapons STYLE LASER - Use for Range or RangeOrMelee weapons STYLE ROCKET - Use for Range weapons, think about it STYLE CUTTING - Use for Melee weapons STYLE SMASHING - Use for Melee weapons STYLE TK - Use for any-usage weapons STYLE GENERAL - Use for Armour, general projectile-resistant STYLE REFLECTIVE - Use for Armour, great against lasers STYLE ANTI-TK - Use for Armour, great against TK weapons and powers Rates - Needed only for Weapons -------------------------------------- RATE VSLOW - 1 shot every 3 rounds RATE SLOW - 1 shot every 2 rounds RATE MEDIUM - 1 shot every round RATE FAST - 2 shots every round RATE VFAST - 3 shots every round Damages - Needed for both Weapons and Armour --------------------------------------------- HI_DMG - Integer betweeen 0 and 99, the most damage a weapon can inflict or Armour can protect from LO_DMG - Integer betweeen 0 and HI_DMG, the least damage a weapon can do or Armour can protect from Ranges - Needed only for Weapons ---------------------------------- PB - Integer between 0 and 100 Sometimes I put values above 100. SHORT - Integer between PB and 100 Anything above 100 is no different MEDIUM - Integer between SHORT and 100 than 100, since maximum distance in a LONG - Integer between MEDIUM and 100 fight is 90. I just do it for my own EXTREME - Integer between LONG and 100 personal sense of range. Value - Needed for both Weapons and Armour ------------------------------------------- WORTH - Integer between 0 and 999999999, 0 means a weapon is worthless and can not be sold. It's best to make the worths in multiples of $5, because the shopkeepers round to 5 when buying and selling. Name at end - Needed for both Weapons and Armour --------------------------------------------------- END Test Name - 1 to 15 Characters, same as Name at start above EQUIPMENT EXAMPLES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Melee Weapon Example -------------------- NAME Bowie Knife TYPE Knife USAGE Melee STYLE Cutting RATE Medium HI_DMG 6 LO_DMG 2 WORTH 25 END Bowie Knife Range Weapon Example -------------------- NAME .38 Special TYPE Pistol USAGE RangeOrMelee STYLE Bullet RATE Medium HI_DMG 8 LO_DMG 1 PB 10 SHORT 20 MEDIUM 30 LONG 50 EXTREME 70 WORTH 70 END .38 Special Armour Example -------------- NAME Full Combat TYPE Armour USAGE defense STYLE general HI_DMG 10 LO_DMG 2 WORTH 5500 END Full Combat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTIONS ~~~~~~~~~ If you have any questions about World Creation, or anything at all really, feel free to drop me a note. I can be reached most easily by writing email to "bkyle@sfu.ca". Also, check out my door release Web Site at http://www.sfu.ca/~bkyle. Good luck! - Brent "Cowboy" Kyle, creator of COLORS, ex-sysop of Trauma Hounds BBS. ==============================================================================