============================================================================== THE HUNT INSTALLATION INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Make a directory somewhere on your hard-drive called HUNT. 2. Unzip the HUNT100.ZIP archive into that directory. HUNT.ZIP, SETUP.BAT, this and some other text files will appear. 3. In the HUNT directory and type: SETUP Setup will make some subdirectories and put files into the right places. 4. Add The HUNT to your list of DOORS in your BBS. There's really nothing special about installing The HUNT. After you complete step 3 (above) by running "SETUP" in your HUNT directory, the game is basically ready to go. SETUP unzips a file (HUNT.ZIP) creating all of the subdirectories and putting the game support files into the right places. Step 4 involves you setting up The HUNT as a door from your BBS. Every BBS is different for setting up a DOOR. Look in your BBS documentation for it's specifics. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USER INFORMATION DROP FILE The HUNT requires a user information drop file to run. Just about any kind of BBS drop file can be used, including PCBoard 12.0 through 14.x, WILDCAT! systems (all versions), GAP BBS, SPITFIRE BBS 3.0 and other systems using standard DOOR.SYS file along with RBBS-PC, QuickBBS, Remote Access and other systems using DORINFOx.DEF files. Really, the only drop files The HUNT will not accept are WWIV CHAIN.TXT files. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMAND LINE USAGE Example: HUNT DORINFO1.DEF When running HUNT, you want your current directory to be the HUNT directory, wherever you put it on your HD. HUNT requires only only one parameter to be passed in, the user information file to use (ie: DORINFO1.DEF). As an example, take a look at the following: C: CD \SBBS\HUNT COPY C:\SBBS\DORINFO1.DEF HUNT DORINFO1.DEF DEL DORINFO1.DEF CD \SBBS This is essentially the list of commands being used to run The HUNT on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BBS (a Super BBS). The DORINFO1.DEF command is copied to the HUNT directory (the current directory). HUNT is then run with DORINFO1.DEF being passed in as the user info file. When The HUNT is finished, the DORINFO1.DEF file is deleted (not really necessary actually), and the current directory goes back to the BBS directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MORE That about covers the Installation instructions. There's a lot of other information of possible interest in other files you may want to take a look at... README! .TXT - A file just telling you what's all in the HUNT.ZIP file. SYSOP .TXT - A how-to file on Configuration and the in-game SysOp functions. CREATION.TXT - Detailed information about expanding The HUNT's world. REGISTER.TXT - Registration information! Read this one for sure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTIONS If you have any questions about Installation, or anything at all really, just drop me a note. I can be reached most easily by writing email to "bkyle@sfu.ca". Also, check out my door release Web Site at http://www.sfu.ca/~bkyle. Good luck! - Brent "Cowboy" Kyle, creator of COLORS, ex-sysop of Trauma Hounds BBS. ==============================================================================