Welcome to The HUNT README!.TXT This on-line door is a shareware release. If you and/or your users like it, then register it! (it's cheap!) Check out the file REGISTER.TXT for info... This archive contains dozens of game support files. You only need to note a few of them at the moment: README! .TXT - This file. Whoa. Deja-vu. SETUP .BAT - Run this batch file to set the game up. See below... INSTALL .TXT - Some information about setting The HUNT up on your BBS. SYSOP .TXT - A SysOp manual for The HUNT. Covers all of the SysOp options. REGISTER.TXT - Registration information! Read this one for sure. HUNT .ZIP - The HUNT game support files. SETUP will unarchive it for you. The first thing you should do is read the file INSTALL.TXT for some instructions on installation. If you're already adept at setting up on-line DOOR programs, you can just run SETUP in the HUNT directory you've create (or you're about to create). It'll just create a few directories needed by The HUNT and place it's 200+ support files in the right places. When it's all set up and hooked up on your BBS, it's ready to go! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me via email at "bkyle@sfu.ca". Also, check out my door release Web Site at http://www.sfu.ca/~bkyle. Good luck! - Brent "Cowboy" Kyle, creator of COLORS, ex-sysop of Trauma Hounds BBS.