============================================================================== THE HUNT REGISTRATION INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHY SHOULD YOU REGISTER? REASON #1 : REMOVAL OF PAUSE First, you probably want to get rid of the annoying unregistered pause along with the "this version isn't registered" message whenever someone enters the game. Sure it's not a big deal, the pause is only long enough for someone to just get through reading the message; but once you've registered it, the pause and message will be gone completely. REASON #2 : ALL OPTIONS AVAILABLE Registering The HUNT will also enable all of those disabled features in the game. All of the most basic elements are available in the shareware release, but registering will add so many more useful and fun options. Make your version stand out among all of the other local BBSs running it! REASON #3 : SUPPORT The HUNT is the result of hundreds of man hours of work; including design, coding, and play-testing. Considering the amount of time spent in it's creation, the registration fee is nominal really. If you're really curious about the amount of time it took to make the game, check out the modifications history file from [C]AT's [B]ulletins. It's huge, and it only contains the features added after I began beta-testing it on AI. But more importantly, I still have dozens of ideas to implement in the game. If people like The HUNT and register it, it will encourage me to continue working and making the game even better. If no one registers it, there's absolutely no way I can know if anyone's actually running it out there on their BBSs and if it's even worth continuing work on it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOW MUCH IS REGISTRATION? The registration fee for The HUNT is $25.00. Hardly much at all really. Considering the cost of getting your registration disk out to you will be about $5.00. So what else can you get for $20.00 ($25.00 - $5.00) these days? Nothing down at the computer store (well, maybe a magazine or some disk labels or something). There are virtually no on-line games currently with a shareware registration fee of less than $20.00 and a lot of them aren't nearly as good. !!! BONUS !!! If you know good on-lines when you see them, register both of my games: COLORS and The HUNT. COLORS is a multi-player strategic war game where you build up a ruthless street gang in a violent city, stomp on the other gangs, and bring the city to its knees. If you don't already have it, look for it from the same place you found The HUNT. You can register both COLORS and The HUNT at the same time for $40! You'll want to register COLORS later anyway, so register them both now and save yourself $10! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHAT FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS CAN I LOOK FORWARD TO? If people actually register their copies of The HUNT, I'll keep improving it. Below is a brief list of a few enhancements you can look forward to: * CRIMINAL SIDE - Be the other side! You're a criminal trying to get out. * WORLD EXPANSION - More locations, criminals, weapons, and armour. * TEAMS - Form a team of exterminators and encounter teams of criminals. * SIDE EVENTS - Short side adventure events for a little more variety. * MORE EVERYTHING - Expansion of everything further. More inn Drinks, more Whores, more Gambling. * ENDLESS - The list of features I could continue adding is endless! Whatever else I can come up with! Suggestions welcome! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOW DO YOU REGISTER? Registration is quick and easy! Send a registration fee of $25.00 to the following address... THE HUNT REGISTRATION c/o BRENT KYLE 21774 - 46th A Avenue Langley, B.C., Canada V3A-8M5 I'll immediately rush you out a disk (3.5" or 5.25") containing: - Your personalized "The HUNT" registration files, - The latest version of The HUNT. Make sure to include the following in your registration letter to me: - Your name, - Your BBS name, - Your BBS phone number, - Your address (include your postal code!), - The type of disk you'd like (3.5" or 5.25" and DD or HD), - Your $25.00 registration fee (or $40 if you're registering COLORS also), - Any suggestions or comments you might have! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HAVE ANY MORE QUESTIONS? If you're still wondering about something or just want to drop me a note, you can write email to me at "bkyle@sfu.ca". Also, check out my door release Web Site at http://www.sfu.ca/~bkyle. If you're having any fears of the above address changing, trust me, it will not. Check my web site for new version releases and changes, or if you like, write me email and I'll respond so that you know everything's still on as it should be. Thanks for the support! - Brent "Cowboy" Kyle, creator of COLORS, ex-sysop of Trauma Hounds BBS. 97-Apr-20 ==============================================================================