"The Underground Hunt" - Can you find Laline? A DM Module Requires John Dailey's Dungeon Master v1.0+. Written and designed for BBS use by Dan Shore - The Shoreline BBS This game was based on the old games of Zork. It is more of an adventure game than anything else. Certain items will need to be in the players possession in order to progress in certain areas of the game. - Archive Information ----------------------------------------------- README.TXT Important sysop information and documentation LALINE.MOD The Undergound Hunt game module file LALINE.DOC The Underground Hunt/DM player guide FILE_ID.DIZ BBS description file 4 Files total - Game Rating ------------------------------------------------------- This is no adult language or adult pictures in this game. Playable by any age player who doesn't mind make believe battles with monsters. - Game Requirements/Features ---------------------------------------- Fairly large MOD file (400k+) - Game contains 57 areas (rooms) that can be visited by the player. - Installation ------------------------------------------------------ Install "The Undergound Hunt" as you would any other DM Mod file. Unzip this file into your main DM directory and run DMCFG to install the module. You should set the game parameters as follows (but it is up to you): Lose Gold - Lose Half <--- Make players put money in Vault or end up losing it. Lose Experience - 5% <--- There are some tough monsters Use Movement Points - No <--- Highly recommended Won Game - Stop all players <--- Optional - Support Information ----------------------------------------------- "The Underground Hunt" was written by Dan Shore using DMCS v 1.0 Dan Shore 301-946-2771 Public dan.shore%sline@ghawk.com 301-946-4202 Subscribers The Shoreline BBS 301-946-8153 Public