Quick Information for Sysops ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Quick Install: Copy FXFAST.BAT and LORDRIP.FX to your Main LORD directory and type FXFAST. (I'm not trying to insult anyones intelligence with such a simple .bat, I'm just trying to make it as simple as possible) And make the FXWAVES.ZIP available for download. Some RIP Artist have said "I can do that" and they probably could have... but I did it first and this version is my "gift" to all SYSOPS and RIP Lovers everywhere, use it and enjoy... It has Lots of Sound throughout as well as alot of "Hidden" Hot Spots with Sound, it's really Awesome and is one of the first things anyone has done to take advantage of the RIP 2.2 Capabilities. There is no need to have or support RIP on your system and it will not effect ANSI play at all. It is far from finished though... There is alot of room to add tons of sound and I'm also working on custom Icons. Though this version is FREE and is amazing all by itself... All Sysops that send $5 dollars will be put on a mailing list and recieve all additions and improvements I make to the LORDRIP.DAT via internet e-mail. Thank You for Trying LORD FX, it's a whole NEW Experience! Mike Collard mcollard@cypress.tgt.com LORDFX (c)1996 Mike Collard