PEDIT v2.7 (c) Copyrite 1997 Logical Decisions Group Contact information. ftp site fidonet 1:363/308 ZMH only telnet bbs at or try both Notes for 2.7 Version Fixed A few more bugs I found also this version is the version that I am using as a base to start a bug and feature rewrite if you have any ideas or comments send to Notes for 2.6 Version Fixed a few more bugs. Added TAG as command word in Pedit.ctl file. TAG is a Boolean to eather have a pedit tear line or turn it off. Notes for 2.5 Version Fixed a few minor bugs. Added the ability to control usage of the PEDIT.QUT quote file from within PEDIT.CTL using 'HomeDir ' Notes for 2.4 Version This version was not released. Notes for 2.3 Version This version has a Auto random quote built in. All messags will have a quote appended. The quotes come from the file pedit.qut put Pedit.exe and the quote file in the same directory. I hope to have a version soon that will allow you to turn it off and on but I have users wanting this version now so I am releasing it. Notes for 2.0 version The Ctl file has changed some look it over you now can set comport address and irq if you want. Also you can now change all the colors in PEDIT try it with the default colors I have selected and if you don't like it change them around. Thanks to Gil Gulick for all the pointers and for pushing me to get off my {} and put the color and graphics in PEDIT. I took some source code I found and on a ANSI editor and fixed some bugs that I Found added alot of new features and the result is PEDIT. This is a full featured editor. One major change was the Hook to the ESC key just like Gedit has, so that you can elect to {Save Abort and Continue} Treat it just like Gedit put the exe in your PB directory and the CTL file in each of your node directorys and it will work on a multi node system. The CTL file is full of REMS so you should be able to figure that out on your own. SETUP in Procfg is: *Spedit.exe /N*# *E ^ this will pass the node number to Pedit so it will look for dorinfo2.def for node 2 The color change in the CTL file is not being used at this time I am looking into RIP support and some other things it will be only soon. The quote works now HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bug report; 1.9E - Colors not all working! 1.9A - Had a bug in the import fuction. I Think I have this fixed. Also even though the prompt did not show Import as a option it could still be selected. That has been fixed also. I want to thank all the sysops for helping with Pedit. I want to make it a good support editor for Proboard so let me know any ideas you might have for utils. NOTE NOTE!!! please pass this along if you notice it. The import fuction is only for local mode only so if you see it working in remote let me know ASAP!!! SETUP in Raconfig is: RaConfig > Options > Messages > External Editor ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ External editor command-line C:\RA\PEDIT.EXE *P°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Passing the Node is not necessary for Ra as it does not increment the value in the drop file DORINFOx.DEF ... as 'x' is always 1 unless changed via batch file. For multiline systems you must have a single copy of PEDIT.EXE in your system directory a copy of PEDIT.CTL in each line directory. Any questions or comments net mail 1:363/308 - 407-327-0401. You can also ftp at Send Email to This basic verison is Freeware, the Program remains (c) Copyrite Logical Decisions BBS. You are free to pass this program and use it. This program has been written for Proboard bbs and may not work on other types of systems.