RIPFX ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The files in this archive can be used with RIPPED! by SHARKware and will display a RIP Background and play FX Waves for RIP 2.2 users. (Users must have the FX Waves in their icons directory) The screens have a CLEAR RIP button also so if a RIP user chooses not to use RIP he has that option. The Best way to view and "test" the screens locally would be to use the Display Local RIP file within RIPterm 2.2 or the macro command $>$ in RIPterm 1.54. Note: Since buttons with sound are incompatible with RIP 1.54 I've included 2 versions of each RIP... *.rip(s) ending with '-' have 1.54 buttons but less sound. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a sample .bat I use to display the BREFX.RIP and run Barren Realms on my system using DOOR.SYS and a multi-node bats (bre1.bat,bre2.bat...etc) BRE3.BAT: @ECHO OFF cd\ CD \RIP\ripped rem switch to ripped! dir and display RIP screen (if RIP detected) RIPPED /@C:\DOORS\BRE\BREfx.RIP /F /N3 /Pc:\bbs\node3 /TDOORSYS rem ^^^^path to ^^^RIP Screen ^^^path to ^^^Dropfile rem RUN Door C: CD \DOORS\BRE bre inbound SRDOOR -f SETUP.3 rem copy resource.%NODE% resource.dat BRE c: CD \bbs EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RIPPED! (c) SHARKware RIPscript/RIPterm (c) Telegrafix Communicatons, Inc.