Pre-3.3 - I have no idea... I didn't write history files in 1992... 3.3 - Fixed &^*@&^# docs so they don't refer to the nonexistant EDIT program! - Added "Look Around" (for other users in the area.. so you can rip em off) - Added "News" so you can re-cap what was said about the drug market - Added "Cel Phone", for messages to other users - customized outgoing message to people leaving a message - Added to dealings with Officer Hardass, including possibility of dropping drugs while running away, and explaining when your gun jams that you are switching to another... - Ripping off another dealer can now get your butt kicked and him steal YOUR wallet... - Robbing another dealer is now logged, so he will know who he's been kicking the ass of, and who's wallet he gets... - better handling of getting killed/captured by cops (Dead now means DEAD, not just re-enter the game...) - More command line options, and removal of "game on other node" flag - added the capability to turn the tides on the Mugger ... - at bank, you can press to deposit/withdraw all your cash - new comm routines - Going to the doctor now costs you a more realistic amount - There is now a random list of cops (COPNAMES.TS) for you to be hassled by - "-U" daily update check, without a user (for midnight maintenance) - Fixed monthly reset High Score creator - re-added the "Bad Weed" variable - Created 2 ways to edit the Random Occurance settings, text or /E - Cleaned up the "squeal" code - Added "MonthlyReset" option to CFG, so you can turn it on or off - started minimal use of Overlays... More later... - added more quotes to QUOTES.TS - Numerous other functional and cosmetic changes that I forgot to keep track of...