PPPD for DOS 0.5 alpha Copyright (c) 1997 Antonio Lopez Molero CONTENTS OVERVIEW DIRECTORY STRUCTURE NON BOOTP CONFIGURATION FILES NOTES FOR THE FIRST SAMPLE BOOTP CONFIGURATION FILES NOTES FOR THE SECOND SAMPLE TRADITIONAL LOGINS WITHOUT PAP USING KERMIT AS DIALER USING COMTOOL AS DIALER OVERVIEW This file shows how I configured my DOS Internet applications for working with the PPPD packet driver. There is also samples on how two use dialing tools other than the enclosed CHAT, I used KERMIT and COMTOOL as dialers before getting a working CHAT implementaion. DIRECTORY STRUCTURE I have the following directory structure for holding all my DOS internet stuff: \DOSTCPIP \DOSTCPIP\LYNX \DOSTCPIP\FTPBETA \DOSTCPIP\MINUET \DOSTCPIP\POPML322 \DOSTCPIP\KERMIT I have each separate application installed in its own directory, for example DOSLYNX is installed under \DOSTCPIP\LYNX, MINUET is installed under \DOSTCPIP\MINUET, etc. NON BOOTP CONFIGURATION FILES I have the following files in the base \DOSTCPIP directory: PPPD.EXE PPPDD.EXE EPPPD.EXE EPPPDD.EXE CHAT.EXE CHAT0.EXE TERMIN.COM COMTOOL.COM MYISP.DAT PPPDRC.CFG CHATSCR DIALER.BAT The files of interest for configuration purposes are MYISP.DAT, PPPDRC.CFG, CHATSCR and DIALER.BAT. I will describe them in greater detail in the next paragraphs. MYISP.DAT - This file holds some fixed information about my ISP for use in configuring WATTCP applications (DOSLYNX and FTPBETA) through a configuration file, its contents are as follows: nameserver= nameserver= domainslist="myisp.com" smtphost=smtp.myisp.com nntphost=news.myisp.com mailaddr=myuserid@myisp.com PPPDRC.CFG - Local PPPD configuration file, it looks like: COM3 57600 irq 5 modem crtscts asyncmap 0 connect "chat -v -r pppdconn.lst -f chatscr" user myuserid passwd mypassword Note that I'm using the 'user' and 'passwd' options in the configuration file, this is because my ISP wants PAP for PPP authentication. I'm also using the CHAT report capabilities for generating a file called PPPDCONN.LST that will hold the date/time and the baud rate for each connection. CHATSCR - CHAT script file for handling modem interaction: ABORT ERROR ABORT BUSY ABORT 'NO DIALTONE' ABORT 'NO CARRIER' ABORT RING REPORT CONNECT TIMEOUT 10 '' ATZ OK AT&F OK ATDP055 TIMEOUT 60 CONNECT DIALER.BAT - A DOS batch file used for the actual connection work, this file is run whenever I want to connect to my ISP: @echo off if _%1==_ goto DIALER if %1==h goto HANGUP if %1==H goto HANGUP goto SYNTERR :HANGUP termin 0x60 echo Connection closed goto END :SYNTERR echo Syntax error, call as DIALER or DIALER H goto END :DIALER if exist ip-up.bat del ip-up.bat pppdd debug kdebug 1 >>logger.out if errorlevel goto CONNERR if not exist ip-up.bat goto CONNERR call ip-up.bat if exist currconn.cfg del currconn.cfg copy myisp.dat currconn.cfg echo my_ip=%MYIP% >>currconn.cfg echo gateway=%REMIP% >>currconn.cfg echo netmask=%NETMASK% >>currconn.cfg REM echo mss=%PEERMRU% >>currconn.cfg echo Connection succesful goto END :CONNERR echo Connection failed... :END NOTES FOR THE FIRST SAMPLE The PPPDD executable is used, so debug information is generated and logged to the LOGGER.OUT file. If your connection is working OK, you can use the non debug version instead. Replace the line by: pppd If you run the batch file as DIALER H, then the PPPD driver is removed from memory after closing the PPP link. Note how the CURRCONN.CFG file is created by taking the data in MYISP.DAT and the environment values set by the IP-UP.BAT call. This file is then referenced in \DOSTCPIP\LYNX\DOSLYNX.CFG and in \DOSTCPIP\FTPBETA\WATTCP.CFG through the INCLUDE directive, so both DOSLYNX and FTP are properly configured whenever I dial into my ISP. MINUET and POPMAIL doesn't make use of the CURRCONN.CFG, so they gets configured through the MYIP environment variable. The rest of TCP/IP data (nameservers, etc.) are directly entered in their respective configuration dialogs, as these are always the same. This has the limitation of being difficult to maintain more than one ISP account, as you will need to change some of the configuration data through the program dialogs every time you connect. The WATTCP.CFG file approach is best suited for multiple ISPs, as you could have a different MYISP.DAT for each and select one in the DIALER batch file, then the generated CURRCONN.CFG file will change acordling. The things gets better for MINUET and POPMAIL if you use the BOOTP method of configuration, supported only by the ethernet emulation drivers EPPPD.EXE and EPPPDD.EXE. We will see an example in the next section. BOOTP CONFIGURATION FILES A small number of changes is required for BOOTP configuration method. First, one of EPPPD.EXE or EPPPDD.EXE must be used in DIALER.BAT. Also the CURRCONN.CFG file generation id different, now the MYISP.DAT file contains all the required data, so a simple copy is done. The last change involves the PPPDRC.CFG file, the 'namsrv' option is used for setting up the DNS IP addresses to be returned in the BOOTP replies. Lets start with the modified MYISP.DAT file: my_ip=bootp domainslist="myisp.com" smtphost=smtp.myisp.com nntphost=news.myisp.com mailaddr=myuserid@myisp.com The modified PPPDRC.CFG file: COM3 57600 irq 5 modem crtscts asyncmap 0 connect "chat -v -r pppdconn.lst -f chatscr" user myuserid passwd mypassword namsrv namsrv The modified DIALER.BAT file: @echo off if _%1==_ goto DIALER if %1==h goto HANGUP if %1==H goto HANGUP goto SYNTERR :HANGUP termin 0x60 echo Connection closed goto END :SYNTERR echo Syntax error, call as DIALER or DIALER H goto END :DIALER epppd if errorlevel goto CONNERR if exist currconn.cfg del currconn.cfg copy myisp.dat currconn.cfg echo Connection succesful goto END :CONNERR echo Connection failed... :END NOTES FOR THE SECOND SAMPLE I had no success in configuring MINUET through BOOTP, althought all the other applications I tested worked fine. The MYIP method worked with MINUET, so it is the way to go until I find what is wrong. TRADITIONAL LOGINS WITHOUT PAP If your ISP is using a traditional UNIX style login, you must change the CHATSCR file to acomodate this. You might need to remove the 'user' and 'passwd' options from PPPDRC.CFG. A sample CHATSCR that handles UNIX style logins will look like this: ABORT ERROR ABORT BUSY ABORT 'NO DIALTONE' ABORT 'NO CARRIER' ABORT RING REPORT CONNECT TIMEOUT 10 '' ATZ OK AT&F OK ATDP055 TIMEOUT 60 CONNECT \c ogin: youruserid word: yourpass Note how the \c string is used after the CONNECT expectation for sending nothing to the modem, as the login: keyword is expected to come just after the CONNECT string. Note also how the login prompts are matched at final substrings, for preventing login failures due possible garbage received after modem connection. USING KERMIT AS DIALER The next sample shows how to use the KERMIT terminal emulator program for establishing the modem connection. It wouldn't be necessary to use it, as the enclose CHAT program should be powerful enough for handling the most common login sequences. Nevertheless, some ISPs requires convoluted login prompts that are best handled by a terminal program dialing in manual mode. First remove the 'connect ...' line from CHATSCR: COM3 57600 irq 5 modem crtscts asyncmap 0 user myuserid passwd mypassword Then create the file PPPDIAL.SCR in the \DOSTCPIP directory: set COM3 \x3e8 5 set port COM3 set speed 57600 set parity none set flow RTS/CTS def errfail echo \%1,hangup,goto fail ; Macro to handle failures. if < VERSION 311 errfail {MS-DOS Kermit 3.11 or later required.} set input timeout proceed set input echo on output ATZ\13 input 2 OK if fail errfail {Turn on or connect your modem!} output AT&FM1L1\13 input 2 OK if fail errfail {Turn on or connect your modem!} clear echo Dialing, wait...\13\10 pause 1 output ATDP055\13 set alarm 60 clear input 60 \10 if success goto gotmsg if alarm errfail {No response from modem.} hangup goto fail :GOTMSG reinput 1 CONNECT 14400/LAPM-V if success goto login reinput 1 ERROR if success errfail {Modem command error.} reinput 0 BUSY if success errfail {Line is busy.} reinput 0 NO DIALTONE if success errfail {No dialtone.} reinput 0 NO CARRIER if success errfail {No carrier.} errfail {Unknown modem error.} :FAIL ; Dialing failed. define errfail ; Erase ERRFAIL definition end 1 ; Return failure code. :LOGIN end 0 Note how serial port settings exactly matches the ones given to PPPD, it is absolutely necessary to do this. Now change the DIALER.BAT file to: set KERMIT=PATH C:\DOSTCPIP\KERMIT ..\kermit\kermit take pppdial.scr if errorlevel goto CONNERR pppd if errorlevel goto CONNERR if not exist ip-up.bat goto CONNERR call ip-up.bat if exist currconn.cfg del currconn.cfg copy myisp.dat currconn.cfg echo my_ip=%MYIP% >>currconn.cfg echo gateway=%REMIP% >>currconn.cfg echo netmask=%NETMASK% >>currconn.cfg REM echo mss=%PEERMRU% >>currconn.cfg echo Connection succesful goto END :CONNERR echo Connection failed... :END The CHATSCR file is not used now, so you can get rid off it if you want. In this sample KERMIT is run automatically via a script, but you can omit the 'take pppdial.scr' command line option and then it will be run in the normal interactive mode. USING COMTOOL AS DIALER COMTOOL is a tiny utility for COM port manipulation written by K.H. Weiss, it can be freely distributed for non commercial applications. This utility is meant to be used inside DOS batch files, and has a terminal mode also. The COMTOOL.DOC file holds the documentation for it. The only file that changes for COMTOOL use is DIALER.BAT: @echo off set PORT=3e8 set IRQ=5 set SPEED=1 if _%1==_ goto DIALER if %1==h goto HANGUP if %1==H goto HANGUP goto SYNTERR :HANGUP REM comtool %PORT% %IRQ% ^D0 ^T10 ^D1 +++ ^T5 ATH0^CR ^W20 OK ^D0 ^ termin 0x60 echo Connection closed goto END :SYNTERR echo Syntax error, call as DIALER or DIALER H goto END :DIALER comtool %PORT% %IRQ% ^B%SPEED% ^F81 ^D0 ^T10 ^D1 ATZ^CR ^W20 OK ^ if errorlevel 8 goto ABORT if errorlevel 1 goto INI2 goto ERROR :INI2 comtool %PORT% %IRQ% AT&FM1L1^CR ^W20 OK ^ if errorlevel 8 goto ABORT if errorlevel 1 goto DIAL goto ERROR :DIAL comtool %PORT% %IRQ% ATDP055^CR ^W900 CONNECT BUSY DIALTONE ^ if errorlevel 8 goto ABORT if errorlevel 3 goto NOTONE if errorlevel 2 goto ISBUSY if errorlevel 1 goto CONN goto ERROR :CONN if exist ip-up.bat del ip-up.bat pppd if errorlevel goto CONNERR if not exist ip-up.bat goto CONNERR call ip-up.bat if exist currconn.cfg del currconn.cfg copy myisp.dat currconn.cfg echo my_ip=%MYIP% >>currconn.cfg echo gateway=%REMIP% >>currconn.cfg echo netmask=%NETMASK% >>currconn.cfg REM echo mss=%PEERMRU% >>currconn.cfg echo Connection succesful goto END :ABORT comtool %PORT% %IRQ% ^D0 ^T10 ^D1 +++ ^T5 ATH0^CR ^W20 OK ^D0 ^ echo User abort... goto END :NOTONE comtool %PORT% %IRQ% ^D0 ^T10 ^D1 +++ ^T5 ATH0^CR ^W20 OK ^D0 ^ echo No DIALTONE... goto END :ISBUSY comtool %PORT% %IRQ% ^D0 ^T10 ^D1 +++ ^T5 ATH0^CR ^W20 OK ^D0 ^ echo Line BUSY... goto END :ERROR echo MODEM error... goto END :CONNERR comtool %PORT% %IRQ% ^D0 ^T10 ^D1 +++ ^T5 ATH0 ^W20 OK ^D0 ^ echo Connection failed... :END set PORT= set IRQ= set SPEED=