ECTool Install ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run the program SETUP.EXE and select the directory to install NEW USERS : The program will begin with the config dialog. If you want to setup the program later close the dialog with the or buttons. ECTOOL 1.70 USERS : If you select the old ECTOOL directory to install, the files ECTOOL.EXE and ECTOOL.HLP will be overwritten.The program will import your *.ECT files (games) and copy them to the new \GAMES directory. Also it will create a new address book called ADDRESS.LST, importing address from your old file ECTOOL.LST ALL USERS : Read the ECTOOL.DOC file enclosed, this is a good help to begin and to know the new features. ***************************************************************************** ANYWAY I ENCOURAGE YOU TO CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR OLD ECTOOL DIRECTORY BEFORE INSTALLING *****************************************************************************