Yep 1.6 Upgrade Info -------------------- The only thing you really need to do to upgrade is replace your current YEP.EXE with the new one. However learn about any new features you may want to take advantage of, read the "revision history" at the end of the Yep.Doc file. Yep.Cfg ~~~~~~~ The yep.cfg file is ALWAYS (at least every version so far) 100% compatible with previous versions. So you do not *need* to modify your current configuration files at all to use the new version. The yep.cfg that is provided should be considered a "sample" and you can either use it and re-customise it, or just copy over new sections you see into yoru current Yep.cfg. If you are not interested in new features, but only bug fixes, then you can just ignore the new cfg file and simply unarchive the new YEP.EXE. Other Stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~ Other support files, such as miscellaneous scripts may have been updated or tinkered with. Sometimes I forget to record every little thing I do. However, I always try (for my own sake, not yours!) to keep everything as compatible as possible with older versions. Usually this means 100% compatible, or else i will document clearly (as clearly as i can) the changs. So what i'm saying is there may be minor upgraded features in some scripts. If you use any of the scripts in this archive then you may want to check them out and see if they've changed at all. But rest assured, it's nothing major, and should not break any current configurations you have. I hope. Well, was this worth reading at all?!