Shareware is a means of distributing software cheaply and easily. The program that you have is the complete version, for its use I ask only the small fee of $10 in US currency. This system is good in that you can try out the program before you fork over any cash for it. It also allows me to have a low price because I don't have to charge for publishing and shipment. If you don't want to pay my measly fee, please delete the program from your computer. If you choose to use AdQuedit after a week and aren't going to pay me, you are stealing and being immoral and Satan will come after you. Why do I ask for this fee, you ask? Simply because I have put a lot of time into making AdQuedit as good as I can. I want to make it better. I want to make it work with Quake2 and Hexen2 when they come out. I can't afford to spend the time doing so without monetary compensation. If I were rich, AdQuedit would be free. As it is, I'm a college student. (If this has convinced you to send me money, check out the 'About' box or the adquedit.txt for my address.) Cable Hicks