
Models are the critters, weapons, and gibs. They consist of a
a bunch of data that deal with the behavior of the model, a list
of all the animation vertices and stuff which you can't edit with
this program, and the skins. Skins are textures which are applied
to the model to make it look cool. You can have many skins in the
model but they all must be of the same size specified by the model.
Note that you can go from one skin to another by use of the arrow
buttons below the 'Delete Skin' buttons.

Edit Skin

This button calls up a user defined pcx editing program to
modify the current displayed skin.

Export Skin

This button lets you save the currently displayed skin as
a 256 color pcx image.

Replace Skin

This lets you replace the currently displayed skin with a
a pcx image of the same dimensions.

Delete Skin

This lets you entirely remove the currently displayed
skin from the model. Note that AdQuedit can deal with
models with zero skins but you'll not want to try using
naked models in Quake.

Add Skin

This button lets you add a skin to the model by inserting
a pcx image of the same dimensions as the other skins
into the model. Note that added skins are inserted after
the currently displayed skin. Such as, if you are currently
viewing skin 2, skin 3 would become skin 4, the new skin
would become skin 3, skin 1 would remain skin 1.

Model Data

Scale changes the size of the model as it appears in Quake.
Origin are the coordinates of the center of the model.
Bound Radius is the size of the bounding box for the model.
Synchronize Haven't noticed any difference when changed.
Eye Position Haven't noticed any difference when changed.


The trails define the pixels following a moving model.
You can only have one type at a time.

Checking the rotate box makes the model rotate.

Table Of Contents Editing Index