
Sprites are flat images displayed as objects within Quake.
Color index 255 is used for transparency. As far as I can tell
multiple frames are animated according to some fixed value.
Different frames in a sprite do not have to be of the same

Edit Frame

This will let you edit the current frame as a pcx file
using a user defined paint program.

Export Frame

This extracts the current frame as a pcx file.

Replace Frame

This lets you replace the current frame with a pcx image.
They do not have to be of the dimensions.

Delete Frame

Deletes the current frame.

Add Frame

Attachs another image and frame to the sprite.

Sprite Data

The radius is the size of the object in Quake.
Beam length determines how far from the origin
the sprite is displayed.
The Type listbox lets you choose the orientation
you will view the sprite at.
Synchronize makes all these sprites in a level
do the same thing.

Frame Data

The offests are just the shift from the origin at
which to display the sprite, usually half the size
of the image.

Table Of Contents Editing Index