================================================================================= Title : Mad as Hell Filename : KILLME1.WAD Author : S.A. Stephenson Email Address : darters@tbaytel.net Misc. Author Info : Description : There was a storyline for this WAD. (Here is the very condensed version).....You do a long distance teleport from your troopship as it continues on to a distress call. You're not looking forward to this as you want action, but you get stuck on some peaceful little rock (again). You land in what used to be the gardens used for recreation and immediately notice something isn't right. You see scraps of UAC uniforms covered in blood and you notice a familiar name tag on one of these bloody scraps. You're MAD AS HELL (the original title for the levels) and "something" is going to pay for this. You gather up what ammo you can find and head down the now broken elevator shaft... (killing like crazy now begins until you want it to stop :-) ). Additional credits to : My wife for letting me spend all the time I did on this. And coffee, lots of coffee ;-) ============================================================================== * Play Information * New level WAD for DOOM I Episode and Level # : E1M1 - E1M8 (plus E1M9). Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (but not tested) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No (Sorry, die by monsters, not your friends). Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : E1 (Even though this spoils some surprises) * Construction * Base : New levels from scratch. Build Time : Unknown, probably 10 hrs per episode, including edits. Editor(s) used : Deu 5.21 (BSP produced bugs at times). Known Bugs : None (I think I got 'em all). Note: not run on anything less than a 16 Meg Ram PC so this may be a potential problem. * More info on the levels * This is part of a set of three complete levels which we plan on releasing as single E1M* WADS. We want feedback! If we get a favourable response to this WAD, we'll post E2M* and E3M*. E1M* Mad as Hell (What you have now) E2M* Underground (a misnomer, you see daylight quite often - KILLME2.WAD) E3M* To the Surface (again, a misnomer, you are below ground quite often - KILLME3.WAD) May be released together soon as KILLME.WAD (Although, if you have DEU, you can join the 3 WADS together the way I did). This all started just before Christmas of 1995 when I wanted to try to build some WADs for my son: a new type of Christmas gift! By Christmas day, I only had about six levels of E1M* finished and told him I would finish it later. Here it is now, the last day of 1996, and it's finally complete! I've gone over it many times to fix textures and I think it looks pretty good now. If you don't like it, sorry, but I tried to include enough things to please everyone at least a little. You'll notice that, so far as construction goes, some levels are very basic while some are quite complex. As I learned new techniques, I occasionally went back and added to earlier levels, which resulted in what you see now. However, the basic design of the E1M* levels (my first attempt at building WADS) has not changed since late 1995. This is DOOM the old fashioned way, the way I still like to play it; alone. I have nothing against deathmatch and co-op but there are now so many DM levels out there, it is sometimes really hard to find levels designed to play solo. Hopefully, this will give other people a chance to play it their favourite way too. Additionally, sometimes it's hard to find someone who wants to play when you do. This WAD will also not require any changes to your original WAD level. This may be considered boring as there are no new graphics or sounds, but it will not change the original configuration of your DOOM.WAD or INI files. I don't really like spectres or demons so you won't see many. Computer maps are too much of a cheat (although everyone knows how to call up the map anyway) so I didn't use them much. The levels are harder as you progress and they are big. The large rooms may bother some people. However, this does allow for some major attacks on you by whatever is on the level and it does give you some fighting room. Don't go thinking that all the levels have large rooms, there are also a good mix of twisting mazes too. There are also a lot of windows on these levels which means sounds travel! Who knows what heard you and which way they'll move? It adds a certain amount of randomization to the levels which means the levels don't always play the same way. With 16 megs of RAM, most levels are near the limit for my 486-33. All levels have at least one room marked as a secret, even if its no secret at all. Therefore, if you finish a level and the secret doesn't read 100%, you know you've missed something! Now, your reward for reading all this; look for candles, they usually mean a secret door (or you just let something loose from somewhere)! * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels providing you give me credit for the base level. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com and mirrors (see the most recent DOOM FAQ)