================================================================ Title : TheCivic Filename : thecivic.zip Date of Release : Feb 1997 Author : Phil Mansell aka ReAPeR (Clans Minos and Vengeance) Email Address : reaper@vsystem.demon.co.uk URL : http://www.vsystem.demon.co.uk/ Description : Medium Deathmatch level, in the style of a modern building, great gameplay and flow. All weapons and power-ups included but some stuff hidden, and there's a cunning yet funny trap, but it may be hard to find. Other Maps by Author : Deathic.bsp : towntwo.bsp (not released) Additional Credits to : Ben Morris for Worldcraft and id software. Steve Clarke for advice & tips and thanks to all testers. ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Quake Single Player : No Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-16 Player : Of course, that's what it's made for :) Difficulty Settings : No New Textures : Yes, the flowing water texture and one other Exit : No * Construction * Editor(s) used : Worldcraft, Mipdip15 Construction time : 3-4 weeks + testing Build times: QBSP - 110 secs Light (extra) - 627 secs Vis (full) - 1235 secs Notes... Please email me with comments! I wanted to make a decent level that played well, was fair and balanced and that was as diverse as possible. Alot of the scenarios in quake had lots of gloomy atmosphere, which is great for single player, but for deathmatching it doesn't matter as much. This is why I prefer "base" type levels like ExM1 maps and the early levels in the Duke Nuke'm 3D shareware. This is a Quake Deathmatch map of a modern building, complete with working lifts, a boiler room, sewers, service areas etc etc. For those that live in London it was inspired and very very loosly based on the Enfield Civic Center. Differences being the real Enfield Civic Center is 20 times the size and doesn't have rocket lauchers lying about :). Recomended Levels: Steve Clarke's sgc4, sgc5, sgc6, sgc7 : excellent levels -> top bloke Disclaimer: If you can prove that this .bsp causes harm to you, your computer or the rest of the world, then go complain to someone who cares..."I aint liable for nuffink guv", I take NO responsability for this file, it's contents and whatever. This BSP may be distributed over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this file or any of its contents on any CD or distribute it in any way without my express permission (which will be granted in most cases).