To set up Editeur startup behaviour concerning files (reopening, creating a new file or proposing an "Open" dialog), choose "Option" "Options", then check or uncheck the right choices. Editeur affords working with Mac/OS and Unix text files as well as Windows text files. Choose the format in the Open dialog, or let Editeur find it out for you by choosing "Auto". To view DOS files, use an OEM font, such as MS Line draw. Unlike most text editors, Editeur affords working not only with fixed fonts, but also with proportional fonts. Editeur affords editing lines up to 64999 bytes. The Open dialog affords opening multiple files in the current directory. You can change the default file filters using Option Options, then choosing the File filters tab. The Open or Save As dialogs afford creating, renaming, or deleting directories and files, just like in the Explorer. File loading or reloading may be interrupted at any time using the Escape key or pressing the cancel button. You can save all files at once by pressing the Save all button. Only the files modified will be rewritten. You can select columns or blocks of text by checking the appropriate option with your mouse right button. You can append text to the clipboard by pressing the Append button or Ctrl + A. To move text using Drag'n drop, select it, then click in it, holding down the mouse left button, drag the mouse to the location where you want the text to be moved, and then, release the mouse button. To Drag'n drop text without deleting the original (copy Drag'n drop), press the Ctrl key before clicking in the text and hold it while dragging. In the Search, Replace and Find in files dialog boxes, you can specify a tab by using \t, a null by using \0, and a \ by using \\. Editeur affords searching for a string in a directory and its sub-directories, opening all the files containing the string. Multiple dictionaries may be used in one single spell checking run. Just enter the dictionaries names in the list and check the dictionaries that should be used. Dictionaries are available for US English, British English, German, French, and Italian. You can create your own dictionaries for the spell checking option : type one word per line, save the file with a .dic extension, then enter its path in the custom dictionaries list, using "Spell check". Using "Option" "Tools", you can specify external tools that you will be able to launch from the Tools menu. Editeur new and international versions and dictionaries will be available on the Worldwide Web, as well as secure on-line ordering :