WebANSI Publisher 1.0 (c) Copyright 1995-97 Innovative Software Creations PO Box 184, Fountain City, WI 54629-0184 USA Installation: To install WebANSI Publisher, do the following steps. * Insert the installation disk into the floppy drive * Type the drive letter (A: or B:) and press ENTER * Type INSTALL C: (Change C: to another drive if desired) * The installation batch file will create a directory of WEBAP along with some other directories. You can also do the following * Unzip the downloadable ZIP file into a TEMP directory * NOTE: WEBAPD10.ZIP = Demo Version, WEBAP10.ZIP = Full Version * Change directory to the TEMP directory * Type INSTALL C: (Change C: to another drive if desired) * The installation batch file will create a directory of WEBAP along with some other directories. Technical Support: If you experience any problems running the program, or have any questions regarding WebANSI Publisher, our technical support staff will be able to help. Innovative Software Creations technical support can be reached via e-mail: Internet: webansi@gwas.com E-Mail is the preferred method of technical support. However, you may call (608) 687-8146 for voice support. Please make sure to write down any error messages that may have appeared on the screen. It will also help to have a print out of the XTRACE.TXT file, if it is generated. Thank you for your interest in WebANSI Publisher. Be sure to check out http://gwas.com/webap/index.html for more information. Jody Ronning, President Innovative Software Creations