It is recommended that you create a directory on your hard disk (e.g. \VT) and copy all the files included in the package into it. Basically, all you need is the program VT.EXE, but if you want to change keys and colours, you also need the program VTCFG.EXE. You might also want to view or print the manual in file VT.TXT. When you run VT.EXE for the first time you will be asked to enter a fileset name, the intervals you want, and whether you want to import words or enter them yourself. The program then creates two files: .STG and .DAT, one containing the intervals (stage table), the other containing vocabulary and additional information. Next time you run VT.EXE (either by entering 'vt ' at the command prompt or just 'vt' and be asked for the fileset name), the program will first load the files and then show the main menu. Now you are ready to exercise (or whatever you want to). For more information see file VT.TXT.